stop mid retrieve

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
anyone got any training tips for stopping a dog mid retrieve and re directing??

Work close very close to start with......... dog sitting throw dummy a few yards give it a min for dog to settle send dog drop dog before it reaches dummy use a cord if necessary, insist on immediate drop, the immediate drop is the important part. When the dog has that down 100% up the distance and use multiple dummies. Send for a seen retrieve drop dog half way throw another and send for it instead. Just mix it up and have fun

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thanks Gavin. I think the short work is were I missed out. She is pretty steady so I been giving the marked throw some distance theory was I had more time to stop her but your prob right. What about using a flexi lead thing ? U have one for when she is in season its five metre you reckon that would work.. ?

this is were I am but it is in no way reliable yet.

Can't view the video I don't like flexi lead things. But anything will work......trailing line of any sort only use it when she won't drop leanth of cheap close line works well, just let it trail on the ground behind her best of luck

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ooh I just tried a very cunning plan. Hid a blind then sent her on a seak back but off line so if she ignored stop whistle she did not get the reward of the retrieve. She stopped on all of them so I just needed to give arm command to cast her in right direction. Anyone see any flaws in this method. ??

No all good but you still need to be able to drop her on a seen retrieve. Just mix it up and let her know that not all seen retrieves are her (pick some up yourself)

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No all good but you still need to be able to drop her on a seen retrieve. Just mix it up and let her know that not all seen retrieves are her (pick some up yourself)

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cheers Gavin.

I used to pick some myself BUT then someone mentioned it can be detrimental (not sure how or why) and the dog should be rewarded by the retrieve for being steady. Seems to me that every gundog training question asked gets as many conflicting replies as the number of folk asked. I got to the point a few months ago were it all got so confusing I threw the metaphorical book away and did my own thing how I saw fit reading my dog. I believe we advanced much better as a result, presumably because whilst whatever I was doing may not be text book at least it is a consistent method. My theory has been to let her do it wrong then redirect in whatever way required in order to shape the behaviour. Were pretty steady but it has its limits she will break if I try and hold her to long which is why I have been working mainly on stop recently so that I have a contingency for the inevitable run ins. Stopping a dog mid way on a marked retrieve is no easy task when one is using none aversive methods. :)

There is no rule book some timid and need lots of encouragement others hot headed. What ever your approach be consistent when things don't go to plan come back a step. It also helps to let the dog run off a little steam before you start. And I'll say it again mix it up don't let the dog anticipate what your going to do

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cheers Gavin, she will retrieve all day and is ball obsessed so I use both as rewards. I hide blinds and chuck em about when she isn't looking plus the occasional steady marked from heal, I am always receptive to any training ideas that I can use. Just to clarify I am keen to get a reliable stop particularly to a marked or memory then redirect, this is my main interest at the moment. Steadiness is improving as a result of the stop whistle training Imo.

you sound like you know your stuff, out of interest what is your history with gundogs ???

About 20 years on and off mostly german shorthaired pointers rough shooting. Don't know about knowing my stuff just know what works for me

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so, any advice on the following

sit her up throw dummy to left dummy to right, send her out for one.... She takes first one to the other one and makes a pretty pile. Any cunning plan to get the first one delivered apart from the obvious treats and encouragement.

Just go back a step to single dummy when working on delivery lot of calling and encouragement. Few single retrieves to take the sting out of her then the double. Also you can put 6 or so dummies in a pile 15-20 yrd out and keep sending her insist on a speedy return. If all that fails use the cord when she picks the first dummy don't drag her just encourage her with gentle tugs

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