target aquisition

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Well-known member
May 9, 2013
Went out to the Capvern club today to shoot UT. It was a lovely sunny day great for shooting first two rounds were OK shot 19 each I think but the third round was a mare. I dusted the first five and then on the sixth thought it was a no bird turned to the guy next and shrugged my shoulders, called the bird again saw nothing repeated this once more again saw nowt! what had happened was the fosse was now into deep shade and that particular target was a 45 low right to left that never got out of the shade until it was almost out of the ground! From then on the shadows lengthened more and more until nearly all shooter were having the same problem on all targets.. the round degenerated to the point that some thought it was finished with one target to shoot. I gave up I could only see the target when it got out into the sun. What worried me was the light was not totally bad just two complete contrasts of blue sky and deep shade over the fosse. I now dread shooting in really bad light will I be able to acquire the target? My eyesight is good but I could not pick up those targets :)

We had exact same problem on sat, shadows and then saw them too good but to late, everyone jumping all over them. As many of us have said before fast trap was made for meditaraenean light not deepest darkest uk or indeed it would seem deepest darkest french village. ..

Ian as I sit here I would swear that trap did not throw a clay on that low R to L... I called it three times and then gave up! I never actually shot the target they guy to my left did that .... missed it too! We could not wait to get off the stand.

Try different lens colors.  Start with shades of yellow.  Works for me.  Well anyway, lots better than no color or other colors.

Try different lens colors.  Start with shades of yellow.  Works for me.  Well anyway, lots better than no color or other colors.
I would have done Wonko had I known that the shadow was going to go over the fosse so quickly, it literally happened during the time it took to shoot six targets! Once the fosse was in that very deep shadow I don't think I saw one target properly until it was in the sun by which time it was really too late. I had my purple lens in and was seeing the target great up to the point the shadow descended. I am fairly new to shooting trap and to be honest I have never experienced that light condition I dare say I will shoot in worse weather conditions but the light conditions... I don't know. Its weird having a lovely clear blue sky but not being able to see the target until it has gone!

I've only ever seen this happen over snow. I refereed an OT squad every member of which failed to move at least once when the target came out. Seems to be a defence mechanism of the eye against an area of bright light. This also impinges on the presence of ribs in that bystanders could see the target.

I've only ever seen this happen over snow. I refereed an OT squad every member of which failed to move at least once when the target came out. Seems to be a defence mechanism of the eye against an area of bright light. This also impinges on the presence of ribs in that bystanders could see the target.
yes Fred happened to me in snow many years ago when shooting abt at what is now the a1 shooting ground. I was told to hold below the traphouse lid but to look higher than usual and it seemed to work to. I think it may have been Chris cloake that told me about it.

 Tried doing that and it did help a bit but problem was really the low angle of the shadow. If the clay did not get above say 1m until it was say 10m out you could not see it was like moving the trap house a further 10m out. I and most of the others completely missed the fast low R to L it was totally gone!

I'm sure everyone sees advantages to different color lenses.  I, for one, have not had much love for purple except in the lightest shades.  My new lenses since eye surgery are only light target orange, tho a medium yellow may come to visit as well.

Anyway, besta luck in those conditions - gonna be problematic no matter how you go about it.  

Or you could do it like ATA shooters and just quit when it gets difficult   :haha:    :haha:


No lens will work with certain light conditions in blighty in my experience.

ps. I get the impression you dislike ata shooters, I must say it looks more tedious than dtl !!!


no offence intended to dtl shooters

no dtl shooters were harmed during this statement :)

I have to admit that there are a considerable number of ATA shooters that are fine people.  I could even go so far as to say I enjoy their company. (like that is any recommendation hahaha)  But the game as it is today is nothing less than mind numbing.  100 or 200 target miss 'n' outs in essence.  DTL would be for me a wildly exciting change.  ATA shooters for the most part live in horror of a fast and/or difficult target.  The Holy Average, the pap of losers, rules.  

I'm far from Mr. Wonderful and I would any day rather shoot a game where I shoot 82 and 91 wins instead of shooting 99 and 100 wins (every time).

But that's just me
