Think I need to up my game - .

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2013
North Pole
I took 7 colleagues from work along for a session at Aspleys Sporting  today,  My Eldest son came along also

It was a good mix, a couple of novices, Some who have been before with me, and my Eldest who has only shot once before, almost a year ago.

Great mix of presentations, to keep everyone  interested spread across 5 traps   - made all the more interesting due to the wind!

Trap 1 - A simple rising teal,                                                                Me  9  Ben - my eldest  9

Trap 2 - Bit trickier - A going away bird L/R at 45 degrees                  Me  8  Ben 8

Trap 3 - A faster going away bird  40 degress R/L almost edge on     Me 8  Ben 4    ( sense of victory creeping in .)

By this time, the guys were wanting to make things harder,  and after some discussion we decided to give them an incoming bird to see how they faired, so we used the Skeet range for this

Trap 4 - Skeet stand 7  High tower

To show the guys it was possible,  I had 4 birds,  one high one low, and the pair., although all they were doing was the high incomming bird

The high and the low were killed  (Huge mental Phew! for doing it infront of an audience ;) )  

The pair was possibly the best kill i have ever done, ( All credit to Andy S   :bow: for the work he's put into this with me )

I took the going away bird, saw the kill in my pheriperal vison as i swung through to take the incomming bird, and nailed that too. Only to be told what i'd shot was a chunk of the incomming bird, as i'd  allready broken it, when i killed the going away bird. :hunter:

So back to the scores  -                                                                  Me 6   Ben 6

Incidentally the other guys scores  were 4's & 5's!

Then everyone decided they wanted to have a go at some pairs,   so we shot  2 pairs  (4 clays )  each 

Scores  -                                                                                          Me 2 - Doh    Ben 3

Trap 5 was a low going away bird, on report.                                   Me 4          Ben 6

Beaten my eldest !!!

Can complain,  he wants to go again next month..  

The instructor, Alan was very impressed with the ability of the guys,  the spread of the scores from high  / low was 38 - 32

And just to rub it in, my nipper tried an additional  going away bird with my gun  (high comb)  and nailed it too  much to my surprise even the instructor was surprised at that too 

Looks like i need to get some more practice in  .


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Don't give up the day job!

Ho Ho Ho!

Seriously I enjoyed that post and it's wonderful how the kids pick it up so quickly.

I took 7 colleagues from work along for a session at Aspleys Sporting today, My Eldest son came along also

And just to rub it in, my nipper tried an additional going away bird with my gun (high comb) and nailed it too much to my surprise even the instructor was surprised at that too

Looks like i need to get some more practice in .

And a bigger wallet!

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