Treated myself to a birthday present which I think is nearly as old as me. Manufrance Falcor Trap 30inch tubes bottom barrel has adjustable poi choked full and extra full. I have stripped the rib and poi adjuster off the barrels and it looks as good as new underneath, the bores are chrome lined and shine like a new pin. The action is tight and internally everything works ok with no worn parts. The fore end is a big old lump with no checkering? but fits my big old sausage fingers well. Now the disappointing part is the stock which is practically hollow as I think a recoil reducer must have been fitted at some point and some bloody heretic has left a hole where a sling swivel was fitted, I am hoping my tame gunsmith can perform a rescue job on it. Apparently some bloke called Michel Carrega was handy with one of these, does anyone know how to date a french shotgun?