So, an update. Shot today. All going well, feeling confident, relaxed and seeing the targets clearly. Kills consistently good then, 5 targets from the end of the line...Freeze. Not just a flinch but complete paralysis of the finger. Target sails away with me completely unable to shoot it. As before my hand tightens around the grip but the trigger finger will not move. Next two targets the same. Final two targets I managed to get the shot off but with a great deal of effort and well past the optimum break point.
The next 75 targets all good, I dropped a few points but not freeze related.
This really is a puzzler. The problem appears suddenly then almost as quickly disappears. I find it hard to believe it's a lack of confidence or commitment to the shot. All aspects of my game are as they should be and when it occurs I don't feel under pressure.
Once again shooting the target very quickly, almost at a flash rather a visible target, helped. It's as if this technique doesn't allow my mind the time to say no. The problem is I don't consider this to a style that suits me or one that allows a great deal of consistency.
As before, all opinions welcome...