Trigger not resetting ?

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Jun 18, 2013
Ok, so i got my gun cleaned and lightly oiled (thanks for your advise on cleaning) ready for my first clay shoot at Yatesbury nr. Calne.

Took aim and let go both barrels but only one fired, 50 cartridges later and still only the top barrel firing.

Apparently its the trigger not resetting, is this a job for a gunsmith or diy ?

Sportami 12g o/u, second hand.

Definitely not DIY. With all respect the fact that you are asking that question tells me that you shouldn't try to repair it.

Take it to a good gunsmith, it shouldn't be a very expensive job. I don't know anything about Sportarmi. If they no longer have an importer spares could be a problem.

Make sure you get an estimate first, you don't want to end up with a bill for more than the guns worth.

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What kind of cartridges did you use - 21g/24g/28g?

I'm not a techie, but I believe some types of action rely on the recoil to reset the triggers whereas others are re-set mechanically. I'm not familiar with your gun but this 'could' be a reason for it not re-setting?

If you're not sure I'd take it to a gunsmith, they know what they're doing and it probably won't cost you a lot.


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They were imported by Direct Arms Imports of Stourbridge. I think they may have folded up as I haven't seen any adverts for them lately.

There is a company of that name trading in Brierly Hill in the West Midlands. Might be worth trying them if you need spares.

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DAI are still trading in Brierley Hill, highly recommended if you want a BMX or a Tent, they sell guns as well, BUT!

It is my experience that Sportami guns do leave a little to be desired in the reliability stakes, trigger and ejector timing issues  are a particular problem.

Should be repairable by a competent gunsmith at little cost.

Do these guns allow you to set which barrel is fired first? If they do select the bottom barrel and see if the problem persists. I had a MK38 once that would only function correctly if the bottom barrel was fired first, if you switch you very occassionally got a double discharge which is never nice...

I would fire the first barrel, then (without a cartridge in the gun) tap the butt against the floor gently. (Put a cloth down or something to protect the butt). You will likely hear the click of the trigger setting. Test for second barreI trigger.

If it does set, you know that it 'works' but needs more recoil to do it. If not, it definitely needs proper adjustment or repair.

Ok, so i got my gun cleaned and lightly oiled (thanks for your advise on cleaning) ready for my first clay shoot at Yatesbury nr. Calne.

Took aim and let go both barrels but only one fired, 50 cartridges later and still only the top barrel firing.

Apparently its the trigger not resetting, is this a job for a gunsmith or diy ?

Sportami 12g o/u, second hand.
Please give it to a gunsmith to sort out. I must also ask as to why you bought such a gun in the first place? How come you didn't buy a gun that is well known and respected, such as Beretta, Browning, Miroku etc?

Oh I see what you did there ............... yes on reading it again it does read funny don't it :)

Actually I will tell you how age is effecting me now.

turned up for a practice shoot on sunday with wrong barrels, had been cleaning both guns on sat evening and got em mixed up what a plonker. I had too shoot a perazzi :(

That's nothing. One contributor on here won some cartridges last week. Put them down behind his car, reversed over them, didn't notice, went home, noticed, drove back and collected. One assumes that they may not be the right shape to insert into a barrel now. :)

Actually I will tell you how age is effecting me now.

turned up for a practice shoot on sunday with wrong barrels, had been cleaning both guns on sat evening and got em mixed up what a plonker. I had too shoot a perazzi :(
So did you shoot the Perazzi well? Were you shooting at Dolphin?

Shot UT no not at dolphin was raining so wanted covers (I am a soft northern poof) shot it ok but by Christ it shot high. I had to shoot too miss about 4' low to hit the darned thing :)

That's nothing. One contributor on here won some cartridges last week. Put them down behind his car, reversed over them, didn't notice, went home, noticed, drove back and collected. One assumes that they may not be the right shape to insert into a barrel now. :)
Makes me feel better then :)

there was much swearing and gnashing of teeth as soon as I realised what I had done. Funny thing is the barrels fitted but the forend didn't :(

What kind of cartridges did you use - 21g/24g/28g?

I'm not a techie, but I believe some types of action rely on the recoil to reset the triggers whereas others are re-set mechanically. I'm not familiar with your gun but this 'could' be a reason for it not re-setting?

If you're not sure I'd take it to a gunsmith, they know what they're doing and it probably won't cost you a lot.

Cheers Iggy, they are 24g cartridges, i will try a different cartridge before taking it to a gunsmith.


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