Two questions need help with

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Reece Page

Aug 27, 2013
1. gun cabinets I see on a few posts on here that people struggle to fit there guns in the case up right and have to put it on the angle. was wondering was size length I would to keep them up right (full ) 

2.Im new to shooting and now starting to look at buying my first gun. i was wondering were the best gun shops are to try them out?



I can fit two beretta hard cases in my cabinet which i think is easier than keep dismantling them every time. Not sure of dimensions but can measure if it helps.

Question two depends were you are located.

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Get a Rifle cabinet, possibly with internal lock box.  That should allow you to store most shotguns you might care to buy.

If you think about it, a shotgun's length is its stock and action length (about 18 inches) plus the barrel length.  So a 30 inch barrelled gun, plus extended chokes, is going to be about 48-50 inches.

So if you go for a cabinet with internal height of 12-1300mm that should be fine.  Rifle cabinets have this extra height and usually depth as well, to allow for scopes.

Cant help with gunshops near you, but the Internet probably can.

What sort of gun are you looking for and what budget?

Cant help with gunshops near you, but the Internet probably can.

What sort of gun are you looking for and what budget?
Thanks for the advice.

My uncle said try get a beretta but i was going to ask the shop what fits me as im 6.2

so the beretta i have been looking at is the 692 32" 

my budget will be £3000 been saving a while :)

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With the shops I dont mind travelling like 100 miles plus if the have a range of guns

based in Suffolk

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Derek Lee in Boston, Lincs usually has keen prices, especially on new guns. I am 6'3 and struggled to find any Beretta that fitted me, all the combs were miles too low, I looked at Browning and Miroku instead. Good luck hunting.

Second the comment on Beretta combs being low for tall people.  The OH is 6'4 and wanted a Beretta, but they just don't fit him.  The Browning 525. however, was perfect without adjustment.


As has been often said on this site (and its generally accepted as good advice), you will almost certainly sell the first gun you buy after a year or so. This will be because you will find that as you progress it is either not right for you, or even if it is you will think it isn't and that a new gun will stick 10 on to your scores. We've all been there.

So buy a good used gun. When you sell it you will lose much less!

Agree with clever you will almost certainly change it within 2 yrs. Don't ask why but you will :)

Thanks for the advice guys ill have to get down the shops and get it fitted up on a browning gun.

my second options i was going to look at was the B725 whats peoples thoughts on it?

A new B725 is about half as good as a S/H Miroku MK38 which you can buy a Grade 5  for about £1500 then keep after you get more ambitious, buy a Krieghoff or Perazzi  because you think you need one and then in about 5-6 years time go back to your original Miroku.

I do like Miroku   :nyam:

Hi Reece , my advice is buy what yo fancy, but make sure it fits. I agree with the other guys though, you'll probably sell once you find your feet. Take it from somebody who knows, there is no magic gun out there that will improve your scores. I've had them all from £1,000 to £10,000 Average score with all of em about 85%. Currently shooting a 34 year old miroku , cheap as chips but it fits. Good luck with your search

Thanks for the advice guys ill have to get down the shops and get it fitted up on a browning gun.

my second options i was going to look at was the B725 whats peoples thoughts on it?

Hold on there dude!   :crazy:

One minute you are looking to spend £3k on a Beretta 692 (totally good idea!), the next minute you are after a Browning.

Listen gun fits...not don't even bother looking.  You wouldn't turn down your dream car, simply because the seat and mirrors were a bit off, would you? :banghead:    

You won't be buying a used, rough Bettinsoli for £400...just because it happens to fit you well..will you? :slow:

Same thing with a gun.  Buy what YOU want, then make it fit fit you.  Generally,this will be a slightly shorter or longer stock and some sort of cast adjustment.

Further more..don't worry about people telling you you will change your gun.  IF, you go buy a cheaper, used gun..then chances are you will succumb to your desire for something awesome (692) and so yes, you will sell your first gun and buy the good one.

If you have the money, why not just buy the good one now?

If you like the Beretta 692, get the Adjustable Comb version in 32 inch.  Then all you need to do is get the length right..might be OK to start with..might need a bit more length, but this is done with spacers and is a piece of piss.  Ideally replace the standard butt pad, with a Recoil Systems Green pad, at the desired length.

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I will second the vote for Derek lee I have bought all my guns from him they do not just want to sell you a gun they sell you the right gum.

I think your cheek bone relationship with your eye has a lot got to do with comb height not just how tall you are, you will have to see what fits, adjustable comb is great for first gun as it can mature with your style of mount,


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