UT Hold points?

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Dog Tyred

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
Sorry for the newbie question but I shot a practice round of UT at Garlands yesterday evening and the results were errrmm............crap!

Haven't shot this discipline before and shooting on my own I had absolutely no idea of where the hold point/s should be.

Could someone enlighten me please.


Ooh well like anything it depends on a few things but hold point is were all the targets cross from whatever peg your on generally this Will be pick a point about 1m high and approx 5m out from peg 3and hold at that point from all pegs so for instance peg 1 Will be approx 2m left of centre marker and 1m high peg 2 1m left of centre and maybe a little lower than 1m but as i say it has to vary depending on layout shooting style etc. This should give you a starting point to work from.

Ooh well like anything it depends on a few things but hold point is were all the targets cross from whatever peg your on generally this Will be pick a point about 1m high and approx 5m out from peg 3and hold at that point from all pegs so for instance peg 1 Will be approx 2m left of centre marker and 1m high peg 2 1m left of centre and maybe a little lower than 1m but as i say it has to vary depending on layout shooting style etc. This should give you a starting point to work from.
Cheers. I'll give it go.


I also look for the crossing points if the layout is correct and use just below as a hold point. But it is essential to stay still until you see the clay clearly, don't move on the flash. The hold time is dependent on you. Too little or too long have the same disastrous effect.

Excellent advice from nicola you must not move until the clay has passed your barrel and only when you see the target as a whole. A great discipline once you get your head round it. Hold point and the above advice from nicola is the key so well done for asking you may have saved yourself a lot of frustration.

It's true there should be a crossover point ahead of the traps but this doesn't always happen for five traps. That would be your focal point. Venturini says visualise the five traps and hold over each for the five pegs.

It's true there should be a crossover point ahead of the traps but this doesn't always happen for five traps. That would be your focal point. Venturini says visualise the five traps and hold over each for the five pegs.
I do as above if I shoot UT, which is not very often! To me it always seems harder than OT, but I don't know why! :frown:

I do as above if I shoot UT, which is not very often! To me it always seems harder than OT, but I don't know why! :frown:
Because it is a wider peripheral vision in 5trap.

But the widest and hardest of all .........is Helice!!

:) :)

Only for the brave!!

Because it is a wider peripheral vision in 5trap.

But the widest and hardest of all .........is Helice!!

:) :)

Only for the brave!!
OK Nic, I think I will stay away from Helice then!!!

Universal Trap is like OT. But standing on peg1, shooting the traps in front of peg3 and two extra traps thrown in as well.

Hence wider periferal vision on peg 3 which changes to more extreme when you are on the other pegs, because only on peg 3 are they all equally in front of you like OT. On peg 1 the 5 traps are on your right and on peg 5 they are on your left. Tis all about stance and where to look.

The above is a very simplistic answer and you can check the FITASC website for a picture of the layout to get the jist of what we are all saying.

Les.....don't avoid Helice........you know you want toooooooooo!!!!!

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i just shoot it the same as ABT ie peg 3 middle for diddle peg 2 and 4 a bit left or right peg 1 and 5 a bit further i find all the crossing point stuff just messes with your head shout pull and blast em ! :)

ps nicola i got a badge at this lark recently

Well to prove a point that my approx hold points are not Allways the same, shot Ut on sun and hold points on the particular trap at this particular ground were 1m max from centre and .5 m high. So just shows that you must be adaptable and take notice of the targets before you start your line.
