UT Selection shoot at Rugby. Who's going?

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I agree with you. I bumped into 40UP at Nutty today, he isn't going - saving his powder for the OT selection shoot at Nutty the following weekend.
Hmmm...based on this weekend's weather forecast that sounds like a good idea!

See you there Phil


I cant make it DT. It's my Nephews birthday and i have to go to Bucks for the day on Saturday.

Also i am STILL waiting for a new gun after 5 weeks of broken promises from the dealer.


Same as 40up saving myself for all out campaign for ot, well abt as well.

Unlike 40up and Phil i was unable to begger off mid week for a practice as some of us still work for a living.

Must be great to be a man of leisure :)

Quote: Must be great to be a man of leisure :)

I'll let you know when (if) I ever get there! :thumbsup:


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Thought so, thanks Phil.

On behalf of DT and i that has made us feel much better and not at all jealous.

Insert sarcastic grin smiley thing.

Not me, going to try and do the following sunday at the OT selection, nutty. No practice, no warm up, I'm hardcore!

Not me, going to try and do the following sunday at the OT selection, nutty. No practice, no warm up, I'm hardcore!
You might be unlucky Sid. The only clays they had on Wednesday were those left in the trap machines and those that'd been missed and were laying on the bank. That's a true story! Martin is awaiting a container load from Spain which is late in coming. Think he's going to have to buy a pallet load from CCI or somewhere else to tide himself over this weekend.

Really need to get up there and try this dislike as it's only a few miles from me.

I very much doubt it. There's plenty of clays in the world, just need to order them in time.

I could donate one of the two that you gave me the other week, if that would help.

So how did you all get on?
Embarrassment forbids me from divulging my score on this forum but if you check the scores when they become public you will see a 152 against my name!

Harry on the other hand posted a very respectable 166 after a disappointing 78 yesterday. He finished 5th in D class but two more targets would have put him joint second.

The conditions were horrendous with a strong gusting wind all weekend dodging the targets about wildly and intermittent sun and cloud making the choice of lenses a lottery, although for the most part the rain stayed away.

While most peoples scores were affected by the weather it didn't stop Ed Ling hitting a 100 ex 100 yesterday and a 99 ex 100 today. After 6 rounds he was 150 ex150 and then dropped a target in round 7 then finished with another straight.

Bloody incredible shooting in very, very challenging conditions. Well done Ed.


EDIT: Oops, did I say a 153? I meant a 152

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Fantastic score for Ed....he is superhuman....! Especially in this weather....a brilliant score..!!
