Visit from the FAO

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New member
Oct 21, 2013
Andover, Hampshire
Hi Guys n Girls,

Had a call from the FAO yesterday , great news he will be visiting a week Wed so hopefully i should have my certificate soon.

My cabinet is in place and well fixed.

Is there anything else I should prepare myself for e.g questions i might expect ??

All your input would be great.

Thank you in advance.

Just be yourself, answer the questions honestly, they will be along the lines of how much experience, how many times have you been shooting etc. What you intend to use the shotgun for, i.e. clays or rough/game shooting.

Offer tea and biscuits, including chocolate hobnobs, :nyam:

If they are visiting PM, offing the use of the facilities may be a better bet .

they can drink lots of coffee ;)  

Aklthough mine just talked for thr whole hour


THey asked me about security of the house, types of locks, if house had double glazing, if it had sensor lights outside, alarm. He also swung off my cabinet pretty well, so make sure its well bolted down! Asked about where the spare key for the safe was to be stored,

Also, because I am renting the house with a non family member, he wanted to know a few details about my house mate (name, age). I guess they maybe do a background check on them too?

Why I wanted a gun, where I would be using the gun, etc

Things like that, hopefully nothing too hard! Best of luck! (Have the front door locked before they come, so house is more secure when you answer the door)   :)

If you live with someone be aware that they should not know were your keys are, also when he wants to look at your cabinet do not let him see were they are kept and if they ask politely decline just answer that they are safely hidden and only I know were. Asking about were your keys are and who has access is a trick qusetion. Had one once ask mrs ips if she would kindly get ians keys, crafty begger, it didnt work. I made my last chap wait in the lounge in fact I closed the door on him and told him I would get the keys and tell him when I was ready.

They had no right under the law to ask about any flat mate.

It was just a question, which I was happy to answer. A reasonable enough question really. I guess just making sure they werent like some known thug or dealer or something (this was the first time the FAO had met me remember).

Telling someone they have no right to ask you simple questions is maybe not overly clever, seen as you are trying to get something from them, which they can refuse you!

Cooperating with someone in that position, where you get what you want (licence), while also leaving them going away happy (giving them anecdotal information), thats called being "cute" where Im from.

Absolutely agree rob, doesn't go down well to argue the toss or to be seen as cocky particularly on first visit. Nothing to hide so may as well conform. Nicola is merely stating a legal fact and my advice is from experience.

Ps - good luck tomorrow, i am ot at bev

Cheers dude, best of luck at the OT. Might go over to Beverly next weekend for the abt, Ill see mid-week. Going to go for another 90+ at the dtl tomorrow.

Weather looks good so should be on pal. I predict a 90 plus for you no prob.

Ya had another good day, targets were nice, just small mistakes from me every so often, with a bad 2nd round. I'll try stay out of the 80s now!

How was Beverly?

Ah, I just checked, yep, staying in the 20s is whats needed, well done!

Might do the all/round at Fauxdegla next weekend (although my skeet is hopeless, got 9 on my last round of it!)


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