what are you all eating

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
pheasant from last weeks small shoot, I didn't shoot it but I think it was one I scared with both barrels.

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Thai red curry with duck.  Something with a bit of kick before getting into various varieties of roast meat over the next couple of days (home grown turkey tomorrow and goose on Boxing Day).

Just finished a roast goose. Having spent the last 6 months protecting 84,000 of them from foxes I thought it was about time I had one myself.

The longest bit of rolled sirloin I have ever seen.  Roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, homemade stuffing balls, pigs in blankets, carrots, sprouts, cauliflower, French beans. String beans, sweet potato, parsnips, home made gravy.  Xmas pud and brandy cream.  Stuffed but now fancy some cold meat.

We've got beef for later in the week.  Huge (9.8kg) lump of rib.  Goose this evening.


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