When is the best time to have a bitch ‘done’?

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2015
North Essex
We have a 10 month old Cocker pup who is currently in her first season that we do not intend to breed and wonder when the best time to ha e her sterilised is.  The Vet was keen to get this done ASAP and prior to first season but I have read that isn’t a great idea, is it best to get her in once the season is over or wait for a while?

my vet says let them have at least one season but there seems to be no set criteria from what I have researched 

45+ years ago on my vets advice ( he was a spaniel man)  I had my first bitch done 6-8 weeks after its first season £20, had no problems at all, my current vet offered the same advice as I have had this spaniel bitch done as well. a neat job with internal stitches, £268

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