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I bought a Yildiz Pro Sport Black 30 inch Sporter last November, before this lockdown started, and after 4 months have just had an opportunity to shoot it! I have been shooting clays for over 20 years, and owned and shot lots of guns during this time, starting with Lanbers, Winchesters, Mirokus, Brownings, and eventually ended up with what I think is my preference -Berettas, I now shoot a 694. Anyway, the Yildiz.....initially i was impressed with it, nicely balanced, little recoil, no issues, I liked it, however, after shooting three or four sporting stands at Kibworth, around 35-40 cartridges, the Yildiz action was getting warm, and started getting difficult to open, the top lever became stiffer and stuffed to push across, and after shooting two more stands, it became almost impossible to open! The action and barrel s had become quite warm, but not exceptionally so, I have shot hundreds of cartridges through other guns which have become much hotter than this one, and not experienced these same issues. What I am wondering is, because this gun retails at a very competitive price considering the perceived quality of its design and construction ( the lock closely resembles that of a Perazzi action, and the machined finish looks exemplary), are the machined tolerances on this gun somehow lacking the integrity of other guns of like construction, ie:-: Is this gun, and other guns that may exhibit similar problems when they get warm/hot, cheaper in price because of this, and furthermore, would it be an easy fix for a gunsmith to eradicate the problem, or is it a warranty issue? Initially I really liked the gun, it’s superficially fantastic value for money, but I’ve bought countless new guns before, and , as soon as I encounter major or minor issues with my of them, my confidence in them evaporates!! That’s just me tho....