Yorkshire people !

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2015
I was in Cleckheaton today doing some work and i needed some bits................ask a local if there was a B & Q in Cleckheaton..................he said i don't know but i think there is two E,s in Leeds!!!

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I asked a Yorkshire girl do you know the difference between a chicken leg and a tinky-winky she said no ! ................................so i asked her if she wanted to go on a picnic !

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I am not saying Yorkshire men are tight but.......................I was in a pub and there was a sign up behind the bar ( Pie and sex £ 1.50 ) and a local asked the staff  how much is it just for the pie !

:fie:  Yeah! I can believe that! he's got 6 fingers, I thought it was just to stop money slipping through his hands? :crazy:  

A rich lawyer is grouse shooting in Yorkshire when one of his birds falls in an adjacent field. The lawyer sees an old Yorkshire farmer standing in the field and asks him to pick up the grouse. 

‘Not doing that,’ says the old man. ‘This be my field, so that be my bird.’ This infuriates the lawyer. ‘Listen,’ he says. ‘I know the law and that bird belongs to me. If you don’t hand it over I’ll sue you.’ The old man replies, ‘Round here we settle things with the Three Wack Rule. I gives you three whacks with my stick, then you give me three whacks. Whoever gives the biggest whacks wins.’ The lawyer is sure he can whack harder than the old farmer so he agrees. 

The old man takes his walking stick and gives the lawyer a terrific whack across the legs, then another across his nose, and another across the back of his head. The lawyer has been knocked to his knees but manages to stagger to his feet, ‘Right. My turn,’ he says. ‘Naahh,’ says the old yokel. ‘You win. Keep the rotten bird.’

Don't you bat for the other team? Oooops! I mean follow the Red Rose (or is it the White one?) :
no mate Yorkshire born RAF church Fenton to be exact. Then RAF Compton basset in Wiltshire then ended up in lancashire. I would have stayed Wiltshire given a choice. It's grim oop north you know.
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:fie:  I'm not illiterit, iliterate, ulitturate, whatever? my muvver and favver were married! :crazy:


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