Custom gun stocks

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Oct 7, 2017
Hi, can someone help me get mutleys contact details, as my wife is thinking of getting a new gun stock for her browning..

And I believe mutley is based in the lake District area..


believe he no longer does it , if I am wrong please let me know his contact details. thanks

Just to confirm, unfortunately Andy has packed in doing stocks..

So back to square one!!

You could always pop over to Portugal to see Manuel Richardo, excellent service quality & price 👍

One word of warning about getting stocks made in Italy, Portugal or any other European country. These stocks are usually very good BUT if for example you have had a stock made and it feels great at the time only for you to find once you really start using it that it is not quite right... you are left to either return to the maker abroad, at huge expense, or have it altered at home... which begs the question "why not have it made at home in the first place" ?

I ended up buying a Ergosign maybe not the most aesthetically pleasing stock but there is a huge amount of set up to accommodate most peoples requirements.  Although not high on most lists is that should you no longer require the stock you will be able to sell it on easily enough, whereas custom stocks are by their nature going to suit less people. There are also many different makers of this type of stock now so more choice and price range.

Depends on grade of wood but that figure would certainly be within the range.
And the cost of travel and accommodation ?

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Regarding taking a gun to Portugal post Brexit , is the European Firearms Pass still in force ? Or is it like the old days of shooting at Vilamoura where you had to apply for permits and take customs carnets ? 
I would think that any issued passport should be good for the time being but a good question non the less ..."the times they are a changin". Loads of stuff like that are about to change car insurance comes to mind. Will travelers have to apply for a green card like the old days ... what about health care when travelling in the EU ? And most importantly, for many, what about our booze and cigarette allocation for the return trip to Blighty , will it return to the previous amounts  ?

One word of warning about getting stocks made in Italy, Portugal or any other European country. These stocks are usually very good BUT if for example you have had a stock made and it feels great at the time only for you to find once you really start using it that it is not quite right... you are left to either return to the maker abroad, at huge expense, or have it altered at home... which begs the question "why not have it made at home in the first place" ?

I ended up buying a Ergosign maybe not the most aesthetically pleasing stock but there is a huge amount of set up to accommodate most peoples requirements.  Although not high on most lists is that should you no longer require the stock you will be able to sell it on easily enough, whereas custom stocks are by their nature going to suit less people. There are also many different makers of this type of stock now so more choice and price range.

And the cost of travel and accommodation ?
If you do it on a budget depending on time of year you may get inside that.

My mates adjustable,finger grip stock and forend was about that so if only a stock,cheap flights and accomodation it would be in that ball park.

I agree though that you need to be very specific about what you want otherwise you get their idea of what you want.

My mate had his set up there and is very happy with it and has not changed it.

I had one made here and it has never been what i wanted and does not get used anymore!

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I had one made here and it has never been what i wanted and does not get used anymore!

I shoot with a guy who had a M  Riccardo stock made and he only  shot with it for a year before he stopped using it... don't know why but us shooters are funny sorts spend money like water as my old mum used to say  :lol:

I am not championing the adjustable stock that I bought but if you do decide it is not for you there is a good chance you will get quite a bit of your dosh back if you sell it on.

Yeah - I've noticed that pretty much everywhere stock makers seem to think they know more of what you need than what you might think/know you need.  My opinions only relate to competition guns and AFA they are concerned function is everything.  Ergosign, TSK, etc are all to my eye tek-kool but way ugly.  BUT if you know what you're doing or know someone who does the thing will fit you like nothing else and can be made to do so as you change whatever thru time.  I would caution anyone considering buying a used one as the grip size of the glove grip is really critical as it places the hand in ONE spot and that's it so it sorta has to be right.  And that singular grip placement is to me one of the highlights of the things.

anyway, JMO of course
