Perazzi MX8

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Surely it would be easier to just get hold of a factory choked Perazzi, they are not that rare are they?
At the time i bought it....I did not expect to choke it.

However after meeting Mr Boxpigeon it had a little trip to Mr Teague :wink: and is feeling perfect now. But i am not selling it so do not care about the change in value.

But after this thread...I know those that i could punt it to if i ever needed the money :laugh:


Psst ...edit..... no one has said that factory chokes are rare...they are fine for lots of Perazzi guns when done at the factory....for various disciplines........just not trap...unless you are barking :laugh:

(I do wish people would read the whole thread :wink: )

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I will not touch a Perazzi that has been choked....especially one with Brieley chokes .....which may be the one offered. :wink:

The resale value is destroyed....true story..!
I have read the full thread and by how much is the resale value destroyed by?

And unless you just shoot trap, multichokes make sense in my eyes.

I think you have to accept that some of us are old school purists stuck in our ways. Each to there own as they say.

I have read the full thread and by how much is the resale value destroyed by?

And unless you just shoot trap, multichokes make sense in my eyes.
Mike, the value is not destroyed one little bit, it may go up a tad maybe but nobody had heard of this phenomenon till a few days ago. If you don't believe me (which I know you do) :)  go on either Guntrader or various gun magazines with Perazzi dealers stocks listed. If you see an aftermarket multi'd Trap stocked 32" with a selector with destroyed residuals, for gawd sake call me asap. :lol:

I think that maybe its a discipline thing. Hard core trap shooters generaly dislike multi after market or factory however monkeys are eager to get there hands on our cast offs and basterdise i mean sporterise them hence there is a market for them. :)

Serious post with just a hint of rabbits.

How many Trap guns sold today are fixed choke only.

  I think that they are now a minority item today compared to multi choke Trap guns on sale.

Not sure about that mike haven't looked lately far as i know most beretta trap are fixed but you may be correct.

Not sure about that mike haven't looked lately far as i know most beretta trap are fixed but you may be correct.

Have a look in Bryan's next time you're there. Do you get a cup of tea while you are in the shop?

I will do that mike due to call not been in for a while. Might even try some chedite things again. Nope not had a cuppa yet but sure i will next time if bryan is reading this. Tea white no sugar bryan, cheers.

One should buy it then and stop buggering about bleating.


But ...the devil is in the detail.....and just because the Hampster has not heard of it....does not really mean a thing....really.

The fact still stands.

You will see when you come to sell it. Why do you think it is a lower price?


(I will put money on it that there will be some excuse as to why it is not bought...even though it is 'such a great deal'....don't think it was ever in the pipeline...just as others are saying on various different pm's) :wink:

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Surely if its cheap its already showing a loss in value - question is - is it cheap enough i.e. has the full depreciation been reflected in the price? really dont want to go here......none of us wanted to go here.....but we were helping out a shooter with knowledge.....that he obviously does not have.

You cannot however help the ones who will not listen.

It matters not to me......I have already rejected this gun.

I wondered about contributing to this thread because i knew the info offered would be argued against.

So ......I am off to SER meeting now....wasted enough time today on this red herring.

To be honest trap guns in France anyway are mostly fixed choke... however one does not look for too long to come across many, many factory multi choked trap guns. From nearly all manufacturers but including Blaser, Beretta, Browning, Miroku, Zoli and Perazzi as well as many others. So they are not that uncommon.


here is , in my opinion, a nice example of what I am referring to. sorely tempted to go and look at this gun only three hours up the road but there are plenty others on this site

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This is such a fun thread   :pilot:

Anyway, Perazzi has only been making guns with screw-ins since at least the early 70's.  The nine barrel sets around here are three fixed choke, four w/ one screw-in, and two both barrels screw-in.  Oldest is 1971 and the newest 1986, all factory original barrels. (I left out the skeet barrels)

I do not know for an absolute fact, but it seems the aftermarket choked guns here play to a smaller market than the factory original guns whatever their configuration, based on a loose appraisal of how long guns spend in the classified I watch.  And it seems the higher the price the slower it sells if it has aftermarket chokes.  And ALWAYS less than an unaltered similar gun at the high end.  Not that I have any real interest there but just as a note.

So, it still comes down to like what Nicola said - if you like it, buy it.  If not, don't.  

works for me

Must say it has been an interesting thread even though there has been a few bunny rabbits but at the end of the day it has all come down to different  opinions that's all, shooting ,fishing ,golf have done it all and its the same old same old sadly unless you know people on here personally its difficult to really know how they tick. As I shoot at greenfields I usually bump into Hamster most weeks for a chat so feel confident to characterise him as a very pleasant guy well spoken, educated and articulate who knows this shooting mullarky inside out and this reflects in his shooting ability which as with all good shots looks effortless and being one of the few guys there who can rob Mr Digweed of top gun on odd occasions but always only a handful behind at worst no mean feat his shooting ability leaves me in no doubt he would shoot well at any sporting layout. He has always preferred using a trap gun for sporting but with multichokes which in my opinion is a must oddly enough he always looks for a bargain to mess around with but rest assured its nothing to do with cash flow in case anyone thinks otherwise, Just an insight for all those out there who think they are different but to me are more alike then you think :nyam:   True story.

You see peeps the 'only' people who mess with a Perazzi after the factory are people who intend to keep them.

Having waited and waited I eventually found that MX8, sent it to Nigel Teague, delighted now to have that ONE gun that I always wanted

and don't intend to part with.

Sorry, been away for some time. Did you get the Perazzi Hammy. I was in Derek's shop a few weeks ago, If I had seen it it may well have been in my cabinet now.

About 10 years ago, I bought a 29.5'' MT6 that had the stock altered for sporting, only paid £600 and what a cracker of a gun it was. I wish I had never sold the gun and had a new stock fitted. Live and learn, well sometimes.


No but only due to the selector issue otherwise to me personally it's easily worth the asking price. I have also been looking at a couple of DT10's and even a Silver Pigeon on Guntrader advertised as having Trap wood ware. There is a good chance I might get to see and shoot one of the DT10's at Churchills next week. It's not a do or die purchase as the 682e is still breathing. :)


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