Why trap? (Not taking the p*ss here)

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Will Hewland

Well-known member
Sep 13, 2011

This is a genuine question from a pure hedge-monkey now. I think it is timely, as we have a few trappies on here, including now the very succesful Abbey (who I remember from when she worked at EJ Churchill, taking my practice round money when I first started). Welcome again Ab!

The question is -and I repeat it is a genuine question, not a rhetorical one: Why does a shooter decide to shoot trap in preference to Sporting. I genuinely would love to know. Obviously, us hedge-monkeys all make jokes and jibes about how we find trap boring. Clearly the likes of Abbey and great names like Ian Mullarkey must have that `warm glow` when they think about their next shoot (as I do with ESP).

I can clearly define what it is about ESP that makes me excited. (I won't now, because this is a trap column). I would just love to hear from a proper trappie about what it is that lights them up. Serious enquiry to somebody who `just doesn't get it`.

A parallel example is somebody who is a motor sport fan that does not like F1. In that example, it is usually because they see little overtaking and the cars dont look like anything they can identify with. With F1, you have to get involved with the detail to appreciate the sport; or it may not sell itself to you. Maybe trap is the same?

I know Nicola will praise it as a way of learning to concentrate and as a way of training for a certain target. But could I not just do a yoga class?

Is it that even trappies find it boring, but it offers the only path to Olympic / Commonwealth games?? (The parallel in motor sport is that most top Touring Car drivers will admit, off camera, that they just couldnt get to F1, so Tourers offered a way to make a living).

OK, discuss. Ed and Glen, refrain from the sarcy remarks. I have- and you know how hard I have had to try!!!

Trappies: You have the floor:


What a thoroughly thoroughly decent question :) . Trap is nice enough and I can personally shoot it all day instead of going to work so it can't be that boring but it's the lack of being stretched beyond certain angles that prevent me from taking it seriously.

The F1 example was spot on, many's the time I hear people moan about it being a procession etc, but the devil's in the detail, not the overtaking. In fact you could argue last years increase in overtaking was all artificial nonsense anyway.

I don't shoot trap but I do take notice of the winners in their circles all the same, it takes a lot of skill to win at any game.

Trap shooting to a high standard is absolutely riveting, brilliant.

I used to shoot all of the Trap disciplines as a youngster and it was awesome watching those targets disappear into dust.

Then one day Ray Probert said " Why do you shoot Trap? That's an old man's sport" I stopped instantly and moved to Sporting.

Now I'm a pensioner I'll shoot both, but I think I will get more enjoyment out of dust compared to chips.

Chips are fattening and flattering to deceive. :smile: :smile: :smile:

I can hit more than I miss! (except OT!)

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I've had two or three goes at ABT and I have to say by about bird 15 my mind starts to wonder what's for dinner, it's about bird 10 with DTL :eek: Sorry but trap aint for me. :.:

Imagine a version of Tennis, where instead of a court and an opponent opposite you, you simply had a wall with perhaps two 10" red dots on it. To play, you hit the ball onto the red dot, from say, 20 yards. Then the next player has a go. Most red dots hit after 50 goes each decides the winner. That would be `Trap Tennis` to me.. Just maybe the centre court stands at Wimbledon would be a tad emptier if this was to replace Lawn Tennis?

Come on, no more ESP shooters slating trap. I am genuinely ignorant of what draws a shooter to trap. Trappies please let me know. Promise I won't argue with your opinions, I just need enlightening, to eradicate my ignorance.



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It was not my intention to slate trap, just stating how I feel shooting it, I'm as interested as you CSC3 to understand what drives people to shoot it full time. ;)

It's just hit me like a flash. Why do I like Trap?

No f***ing cheats that's why!

You can't have multicards and pick the best from 10 and shuffle them as you go along.

You can't bully the referee into changing a miss into a hit because your mates said you hit it.

You only have to buy a gun and cartridges instead of multi pens.

You can't go into the Gents and alter your score.

You can't threaten to sue the arse off someone who accuses you of cheating.

You don't have to rely upon the CPSA HQ to make a decision.

That's why I like Trap

Nice touch, you have an issue with cheating then! I see another one of those converstaions coming..........................................

Just out of intrest,how many people on here have shot 100 straight at any trap disaplin?????????????.Don't be shy.

Just out of intrest,how many people on here have shot 100 straight at any trap disaplin?????????????.Don't be shy.
Apart from DTL where it happens quite a bit.........I would say that the answer is the same as in sporting........not many :D :D


Yes, darn right I have an issue with cheating in any sport, especially in clay shooting. We all shoot for enjoyment, and if a cheating scumbag takes a prize that they are not rightfully entitled to, in my book that is stealing, fraud call it what you like.

But no I'm not going to go on about it because Matt will censor it.


Yes, darn right I have an issue with cheating in any sport, especially in clay shooting. We all shoot for enjoyment, and if a cheating scumbag takes a prize that they are not rightfully entitled to, in my book that is stealing, fraud call it what you like.

But no I'm not going to go on about it because Matt will censor it.
I can't stand cheats either mate, how someone can hold their head up with pride knowing they have stolen the prize/trophy is beyond me.

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It's just hit me like a flash. Why do I like Trap?

No f***ing cheats that's why!

You can't have multicards and pick the best from 10 and shuffle them as you go along.

You can't bully the referee into changing a miss into a hit because your mates said you hit it.

You only have to buy a gun and cartridges instead of multi pens.

You can't go into the Gents and alter your score.

You can't threaten to sue the arse off someone who accuses you of cheating.

You don't have to rely upon the CPSA HQ to make a decision.

That's why I like Trap
Very well put sir.

I used to think the same about trap when I shot sporting----------yawn, yawn, boring. It is not until you really go and try things like ABT, OT and UT that you find this trap game is a hell of a lot more demanding than first thought. I would not want to shoot DTL other than a warm up or practice and I am not in any way down crying DTL, it just does'nt float my boat. There is a certain satisfaction in dusting a clay which you can more frequently do on trap and you are always shooting against yourself so you can measure your progress which is very difficult to do on sporting as the targets constantly change. Well thats my view on trap anyway.



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