24g number 8 shot for trap?

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Well-known member
May 9, 2013
Was out shooting UT yesterday and did quite well shooting 24g 7.5g trainers', so well in fact I am not going to bother with 28g any more! I have been using the 24g and comparing my scores with the 28g and I just cannot see any advantage for me using the 28g . I suppose that could be because I am not really a good enough shooter to be able to make the extra 4g useful, however the breaks I am getting with the 24g are just amazing so I am getting something right 80+ % of the time... near miss's are the same as with 28g :)

Anyway that is not what I am posting about just thought I would share. The question is what about #8 shot for trap? The reason I ask is one of the regular shooters at the ground was using Clever mirage 28g #8 and getting great breaks with them too on first and second barrel ! got me to thinking about my 24g and what if I was using it in  #8 giving a bit more shot albeit smaller.

Funny thing about those 24g carts I gave a few to a guy who was hitting 22 and 23 with his Mary arm 28g trainers and he could not hit with them?? He said it was in his head but I gave him half a dozen and he hit absolutely nowt ! He shoots a Miroku maybe the carts do not pattern as well through his gun? What ever he is not convinced about 24g I am... less recoil and I am spudding just as many as with the 28g.

Just use 7.5 and concentrate on putting it in the right place.

If you use 8 you would need to shoot quicker and that would ruin the routine you are successful with.

Stop over thinking ....smack it in the middle...and enjoy ..:wink:

Just use 7.5 and concentrate on putting it in the right place.

If you use 8 you would need to shoot quicker and that would ruin the routine you are successful with.

Stop over thinking ....smack it in the middle...and enjoy .. :wink:
Thanks confirms what I was thinking. The ones I hit are or must be almost centre pattern because the just disappear... if only I could cut the near misses a bit though, however yesterday was 22,21 and 19 no forth round turned black and wazzed down! but see the trend downwards... tiredness and losing concentration ? I think I miss some targets because I do not wait to pick up the target properly because yesterday when I did have a miss I really concentrated on the next target and where it was going before I moved to shoot it... result whack disappeared ! I know it sounds like I am trying to diagnose my own problem but since nobody is watching me to correct me it is just my thought correct me if you think its total wazz :)

In the 90s I shot 28g 8s at ABT and too good effect, I am not convinced that anything less than UK 7 in 24g is of any benefit. As tinker says unless you are a naturally very fast shooter you would struggle to break an edge on target.

Clever 8's = English 7.5 shot size probably so the equivalent for trap shooting in the UK. When I was shooting Eley Superbs I used 7.5 but I'm now on FBlack 24gm 7.5 which equate to English 7.

I won't bother shooting 28gm any more.

Bit off topic but i am feeling brave.

Often wondered why beretta and perazzi do not make there own ammo ? The only gun mfrs that i know of that have is winchester and remington.


Bit off topic but i am feeling brave.

Often wondered why beretta and perazzi do not make there own ammo ? The only gun mfrs that i know of that have is winchester and remington.

Browning used to, although I think it was re-badged Winchester....

Interesting question could be that the time and man power needed for fine tuning the different loads and ballistics is not cost effective better they let dedicated manufacturers research their products first and then the shooting publics select what is best for them through their particular shotgun.

If you think about it what is the likelihood of you wanting to buy ammunition made by Perazzi to shoot through your Beretta? They will have made it to be perfect through a perfect Perazzi :) of course the reverse would be true for Beretta manufactured cartridges... other than the fact that Beretta's are not perfect ...... I am only kidding honestly :)

IPS it is not April fools day it is pinch punch.

You naughty boy.

If Perazzi or Beretta had any interest they would simple phone up Fiocchi and ask for branded cartridges (I mean they do them for many people as some of us already know :wink: )

But why would a gun maker be interested in manufacturing cartridges (60 mil to put a high tech line in and where would they put it...and the powder caves / stores etc).

Nope it is like asking Ferrari to think about opening a petrol station :)

Fair points Nicola but to me they seem to be missing a marketing trick . Many brand loyal shooters could be swayed to shoot beretta cartridges through there beretta with the theory right or wrong that they MUST be perfect for the gun by definition. Yes they probably would get Fiocchi to make them and they probably would be the very best for that but we are easily tempted by cunning marketing are we not.

We as in general not necessarily you or i but newbies spose.

Bit off topic but i am feeling brave.

Often wondered why beretta and perazzi do not make there own ammo ? The only gun mfrs that i know of that have is winchester and remington.

I think the most successful businesses stick to one thing and do it well, rather than do half as well with loads of product lines.

Again a fair point jay.

But the aforementioned brands do and as any old school trap shooter will tell you winchester were very popular in the olden days (80s) :)

One assumes that because Perazzi standardise their gun setup using Fiocchi cartridges that they must be the bestest cartridges out there anyway and should just stamp Perazzi on the side to complete the deal??? :)

Fair points Nicola but to me they seem to be missing a marketing trick . Many brand loyal shooters could be swayed to shoot beretta cartridges through there beretta with the theory right or wrong that they MUST be perfect for the gun by definition. Yes they probably would get Fiocchi to make them and they probably would be the very best for that but we are easily tempted by cunning marketing are we not.

We as in general not necessarily you or i but newbies spose.
Or...... :wink: have the best of both worlds :wink:

One assumes that because Perazzi standardise their gun setup using Fiocchi cartridges that they must be the bestest cartridges out there anyway and should just stamp Perazzi on the side to complete the deal??? :)
I do not know how they standardise their guns or what cartridges they use I am afraid....presume that will be up to the shooter and what they use.

I standardise mine with Fiocchi :wink:

(But then as I have been told on another thread....I am crap :laugh: so......don't listen to me..... :laugh: )

I just made the assumption based on the fact there is a huge Fiocchi badge on the wall of their pattern testing range at Brescia. I may have got that wrong maybe they just advocate Fiocchi cartridges for their guns?

I just made the assumption based on the fact there is a huge Fiocchi badge on the wall of their pattern testing range at Brescia. I may have got that wrong maybe they just advocate Fiocchi cartridges for their guns?
Ooooh I hope so .....but I do not know...sorry

I shot a couple of slabs of gamebore 28g 8's at DTL great breaks, I even managed some good breaks with 21g eley firsts that were in my pocket......

28i 8s are fine even for fast trap as long as your well choked however 24g 8s are another story at fast distance and edge on targets.
