RC v Fiocchi

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Thanks Ips, I'm shooting again today after arm surgery so I'll try your suggestions with the Eley Superbs that I normally use and I also have some Hull Pro Ones in 7.5 to try as well at ABT and DTL.  Think I'll stick with IM and Full choke and go from there.  Thanks again.


I wish I could get Clever carts over here in North Lincs or somewhere near as I used them some years ago, the best carts I have ever used. Interesting about the comments regarding Fiocchi being the Aldi / Netto of the cartridge world, I used the Fblue and really liked them, seemed to kill well and very smooth but unfortunately now difficult to get locally. I shot RC2 for a few months and had no confidence in them at all.

I am quite convinced that it is what goes on between the ears that counts, shoot what you are happy with. Shooting Cheddite ORO 24g at the moment and like them very much, very smooth to shoot. I was down at High Lodge for a week a couple of weeks ago using these shells on the sporting layout and even the long crossers were no match for the ORO carts. I would still buy Clever though :nyam:



There are very few bad cartridges around these days
Well that is probably very true Ian, not that I've tried very many though. Anyway shells called "Power Blue" STILL sound like bog cleaning stuff.

Perhaps they are designed to assist in the follow through?   :biggrin:

Looks like another thread going off the rails, it's all Ian's fault.....it's always his fault actually......but he always blames me!!!

Careful Les! He might put you on one of his lists!!  On the correct part of the forum of course??  :biggrin:

Careful Les! He might put you on one of his lists!!  On the correct part of the forum of course??  :biggrin:
Well Mike I must already be on one of his lists somewhere! I wear jeans, I have tattoos, I have a K80, I like fish, those things alone must get me onto a list. :fie:

Careful Les! He might put you on one of his lists!!  On the correct part of the forum of course??  :biggrin:

Well Mike I must already be on one of his lists somewhere! I wear jeans, I have tattoos, I have a K80, I like fish, those things alone must get me onto a list. :fie:
You would have to be a strange looking individual to not be on any of his lists. Great looking gun I have been searching for one myself, but the budget won't stretch so new CG on the way.

" thats when the fight started "

You would have to be a strange looking individual to not be on any of his lists.
Hey! Speak for yourself!!!  xD

Actually I do figure on his lists in so many ways. Good job he's only seen my good side, and I made sure I didn't wear jeans when I met him! I think I may have blown it when I chose to wear my maroon suit though???  :sarcastic:

This is all highly uplifting after a particularly hard day at the office :)

For the record one has to tick a minimum of 5 things from the list in order to be on the list, if you see what i mean. TD was close, Les was even closer in fact a piercing and les would have made it :)

This is all highly uplifting after a particularly hard day at the office :)

For the record one has to tick a minimum of 5 things from the list in order to be on the list, if you see what i mean. TD was close, Les was even closer in fact a piercing and les would have made it :)
I got a pierced ear mate, done when I was a lad! Don't use it now....too bloody old for all that stuff!

Not sure if this thread is dead or not but I'll stick my experience in it anyway.

I was recently in China to shoot the Beijing WC with the only shells being available are RC shells but I took my allotted 5kg(125 shells) with me on the plane so I had some of what I knew I liked to shoot.

I have never shot RC much except for maybe one or two boxes long ago and have been a Fiocchi FBlack shooter. 

I shot my first two rounds with RC in the top barrel and Fiocchi in the bottom barrel for the first shot to see if I could find a difference, which was the wrong thing to do as it isn't my normal routine (I usually just take 2 from my right pocket to put in the gun) which resulted in me shooting 2x22 for my first two rounds. I decided to just go back to my normal routine and mixed them all up in my right pocket, trusting myself rather than the thinking that my "normal" cartridges would do the trick and turns out that it worked 74x75.

What I did notice after going back to my normal routine was that every break I had was exactly the same, there was no difference in recoil and no noticeable difference in pattern. 

My theory of it is that when you take well established brands and start using their well established, higher end shells you will not really notice much of a difference except for maybe the pretty boxes...

Many thanks Andrew.


I cant find any results for Bejing ?

You did very very well andrew, what a shame about the 1st two but hell of a finish my friend.
