George Digweed the best shooter in the world

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'sh*t that's a lot of pies!!!

 I'm not sure about this DTL lark, don't much fancy standing on a concrete  pad/lane and calling PULL!!

For my humble vote it's GD through and through, World championships in 4 decades and now how many is that, 23!!!! Without mentioning everything else he's won in the Sporting world!


You obviously never witnessed Stafford shoot !

Good shooters always recognised other good shooters whether it is their discipline of shooting or not. It is always hard to win in your chosen field whatever it is.......true story :wink:

Shooters should support all the winners especially as we are all......what was it......oh yes......coming across it by chance not design.

He could only hit going always though...
i am disappointed in this remark, John Stafford who i regard as a shooting friend absolutely dominated dtl in the 90s early 20s and was undoubtedly highly naturaly talented. He was / is capable of very good scores in all disciplines including sporting. I and i suspect many others would put money on him against anyone in any disciple.

Ed, you are obviously another who never had the pleasure of witnessing Stafford shoot.

gd scored 194 x 200 in south Africa  and did not make the podium ,  standards have risen  over the years   targets are harder , more people competing  ,  in other words its so hard to win now days . that's why I salute gd .   he will never be surpassed , 

I'd give digweed my vote too, but I don't think anyone can be called best shot in the world with so many disciplines, and it's on any given day, but one things for sure in all disciplines it's getting harder the standard is rising all the time, so much so that between the top shooters in any discipline it's a mind game, and digweed is right up there for mental toughness

Please , let us not forget Joe Wheater, he could win even when the CPSA banned him !

It is very difficult to pin a label on 'the very best' because there are so many factors to be considered.

Micket Rouse on his day can ( Could?) beat anyone but he didn't have the financial resources to chase everything when he was at his peak.

In the only true alround competitions that have ever been held George Digweed entered and beat everyone, all challengers, twice out of only two held.

He also beat the World Champion and the best shot at the time in a match when he competed against AJ Smith .

So I think we  should recognise George.

Please , let us not forget Joe Wheater, he could win even when the CPSA banned him !

It is very difficult to pin a label on 'the very best' because there are so many factors to be considered.

Micket Rouse on his day can ( Could?) beat anyone but he didn't have the financial resources to chase everything when he was at his peak.

In the only true alround competitions that have ever been held George Digweed entered and beat everyone, all challengers, twice out of only two held.

He also beat the World Champion and the best shot at the time in a match when he competed against AJ Smith .

So I think we  should recognise George.
Yes and don't forget his 475 straight to win the English Open Skeet twenty years ago ! It isn't just the sheer number of World and European titles but the manner in which he gets up every single Sunday and manages to muster yet another full days worth of stamina and concentration out of himself. Who amongst us hasn't felt like giving in and just shooting for the enjoyment and not the score ? Not him, he stands alone in having the will to shoot to win, always. 

There's also the element of mental toughness at which he is without equal, he wins more shoot offs against world class opposition, he also shoots more extraordinary scores than anyone, remember his 25 straight at the qualifying for the tower shoot, or his 117x120 at the British Open, scores that just shouldn't happen.

So have I mate, (well abt never dtl) but then again I have beaten numerous GB OT shooters from time to time but the odd better score when there having an off day and I am having a very rare good day does not make me better than them in the overall scheme of things.

So have I mate, (well abt never dtl) but then again I have beaten numerous GB OT shooters from time to time but the odd better score when there having an off day and I am having a very rare good day does not make me better than them in the overall scheme of things.
Yes but could you beat George Digweed when he has a bad day and you have a good day ? The answer is the same as me NO


I have no idea mate my last and first attempt at sporting was not too impressive but you never know if I took it up properly I could be masterful at it ............... highly doubtful of course :)


I understand your point.

I'd say george could match me shooting from his hip ( that's if I had a good day) the thing is the very best shots on a bad day are only a few birds lite cause they don't give in.

I think "our" Mr Digweed certainly earns his place at the top of the list, I'll go with him as no1.

