SC traps on Ebay

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Well-known member
May 9, 2013
Sad to see the OT setup on Ebay. Pity their are not enough tarpies to get together and buy the setup and then set about making up their own not for profit trap shooting club "comme un club en France" I honestly don't know why this could not be done... unless there are not enough tarpies in the UK but if it can be done here then it must be possible in England for a start the shooting population density alone makes it sensible.

Sad to see the OT setup on Ebay. Pity their are not enough tarpies to get together and buy the setup and then set about making up their own not for profit trap shooting club "comme un club en France" I honestly don't know why this could not be done... unless there are not enough tarpies in the UK but if it can be done here then it must be possible in England for a start the shooting population density alone makes it sensible.

Yes never a problem here it has to be said. Although most clubs are well out of the way miles from nowhere on ground that is not of use for agriculture, be it cleared woodland or on the edge of a gully as long as there is access for vehicles. Still think someone has to take the initiative and do a feasibility study that setup could provide 3 UT or a UT and OT setup with the benefits of cheap shooting for all the members for many years to come.

Saw them earlier today Greg but can find them now showed the complete trench with traps and electrics etc must have been removed I cannot see them now. They wanted £650 a trap but I suppose they would have done a deal for the full fifteen with all the electrics etc great chance for you to dig a trench in the back garden :) I have enough room in my garden but the neighbours would need some protection :)

To be fair I have a bit of sympathy for people who are bothered by gunfire noise it cannot be easy trying to enjoy your leisure time at a weekend when the battle of the Somme is but a couple of hundred yards away. However down here gun club shooting grounds are normally in the middle of nowhere and most clubs only shoot for 4 hours a week and every now and then a competition will take up a full Sunday. I do know of one club down here that got closed down because of noise complaints but it was very close to new housing that had sprung up... that I do take exception to because they built the houses knowing the shooting ground was there!!

I am starting to believe that its a dying sport. Housing estates getting bigger and closer to grounds. The country side is shrinking. Nearly every ground in the south is having noise problems. Basically were running out of room.  :suicide:

I am starting to believe that its a dying sport. Housing estates getting bigger and closer to grounds. The country side is shrinking. Nearly every ground in the south is having noise problems. Basically were running out of room.  :suicide:
From a UK perspective you are probably correct regarding land to accommodate shooting activities but I think their is more to it than that when you compare shooting in the UK and here in France. I am may be wrong but I get the impression that shooting in the UK is a business activity run mainly for profit by the shooting ground owners. I do however appreciate that many shoot owners are also enthusiasts and get a great sense of purpose from their activities, non the less profit is a must for the continuation of their input to the shooting activities of the country in general.

Here in France I have never been to and don't know of a club run along these lines and I think it contributes greatly to the acceptance of shooting clubs. The clubs here are member run non profit enterprises and are local to a village so there is an air of community about them, if a club or member here has a success in competition it makes the local press and every club puts on a competition for the local fete! Another thing that is relevant about clubs here is the fact that there is no pressure to make profit so the members only shoot once a week and the occasional twice if there is a competition so there is a lot less disturbance, there are a lot more clubs though so there is still plenty of chance to shoot throughout the week.

I know this sounds very "here he is banging on about shooting in France again" but is it not just possibly time for the CPSA to rethink the way shooting is organised in the UK and do some feasibility study on trying out a similar set up in the UK ie larger numbers of smaller non profit clubs owned and run by the members shooting once a week. If something is not done to address the problem there won't be any shooting left. I should add the caveat that trap shooting is more popular down here and does require less space but lots of clubs have sporting too most clubs are on a bit of land a farmer cannot use for agriculture usually next to a gully.

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May be its time to rearrange the sport and go indoors !!  Look on you tube for in door trap shooting.

Shooting all year round. No weather  to worry about,light can be controlled, noise wouldn't  be an

issue. Easy to clean up, recycle everything. :crazy:   :crazy:  

Right wheres those old aircraft hangers.  :preved:

Did I dream this or are farmers allowed to do things without planning? I seem to remember when I stayed just outside Edinburgh a farmer I knew well sold his farmhouse but not all of his land moved less than 500 m down the road and built a new house without consulting the local council who kicked up a fuss... he just came back with it being an essential farm building and they had to accept it. He also lets people keep their caravans on his place some local homeowners kicked up but he again just said it was part of his farming business and nothing was done. The point I am trying to make if farmers can do this then all that is required is like minded farmers to rent out a bit of useless ground on their farm ?

Well I am not sure what its like in other areas but were we live you cant put a coal bunker up without planning permission, farm or no farm.

Well I am not sure what its like in other areas but were we live you cant put a coal bunker up without planning permission, farm or no farm.
I must have dreamt it then or been told bull pooh but he defo built the new house without planning... maybe he had to get some sort of retrospective permission?

Well I am not sure what its like in other areas but were we live you cant put a coal bunker up without planning permission, farm or no farm.I must have dreamt it then or been told bull pooh but he defo built the new house without planning... maybe he had to get some sort of retrospective permission?
You didn't dream it John, farmers can bypass planning for certain things. Crazy but true!

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You didn't dream it John, farmers can bypass planning for certain things. Crazy but true!Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
Yeah, farm buildings under a certain size, but defo not dwellings or houses!!!
There was a dude near Edinburgh who built a house without permission, moved in, tried to get retrospective permission, house got demolished!!!
