Taking a gun from the rack without permission

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Not always in fairness. If you count scorers as supervisors, then summer evening shooting is £28 per 100 and the registered shoots are £34.50. But yes, a caddied round to a non member is £50 or so, but hey, you get what you pay for, a professional environment and personal service.
I've only ever had one caddied round at EJC. Three of us booked in for one in the afternoon after the Shotgun and Chelsea Bun Club National Ladies Shooting Day event in the morning.  We ended up with Mark Marshall taking us round.  It was absolutely brilliant and he even showed us how to do it properly on a couple of occasions. 

I've only ever had one caddied round at EJC. Three of us booked in for one in the afternoon after the Shotgun and Chelsea Bun Club National Ladies Shooting Day event in the morning.  We ended up with Mark Marshall taking us round.  It was absolutely brilliant and he even showed us how to do it properly on a couple of occasions. 
That's the thing; its not a lesson, but the caddies are usually pretty good; in your case very good and will offer advice and find the targets you need or want. I cut my teeth on caddied rounds at EJC for several months before I stated registered shooting. That's why I was never in C class frankly..

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That's the thing; its not a lesson, but the caddies are usually pretty good; in your case very good and will offer advice and find the targets you need or want. I cut my teeth on caddied rounds at EJC for several months before I stated registered shooting. That's why I was never in C class frankly..
They had a couple of huge driven targets off a cherry picker that day and he got even the least confident of the three of us hitting them.

West Kent has lovely facilities, but no guns allowed in the club house rule.  They have a rack outside the door. Makes it difficult to be in charge of your gun at all times.  It bugs the crap out of me.  I got shouted at for taking my gun, in its slip, into the clubhouse to use the toilet. 
Put it in your car, but its your SGC and as this thread indicates stuff happens.

It’s one thing to pick up the wrong Beretta 6- eighty- plonk from a rack of 12 clones,  I can see that happening . It is another thing to even touch a gun that does not belong to you .  It is just plain bad manners , a lack of etiquette if you like. You do have to wonder what the supervising “ Member “ of the group was thinking .  Also the club is negligent in how it handles it’s club guns . The guns should be “ behind the counter “ issued to a novice and recorded , what’s to stop anyone just popping one of the  “ club guns “ into a sleeve and buggering off with it ! 
The club guns were issued from behind the counter, this guy left the black action 30" 686E he had been issued and picked up my wifes 28" silver and gold action Tempio Syren. Honestly I don't think this was negligence, nobody is that numb. I think they fancied a go of the nicer guns in the rack, and hoped nobody would notice if I am honest.

Problem is people are coming into shooting  with no clue about any of it,they could have been grabbed from a bus queue ,so to speak,with that you get all sorts of people dragged in and you don`t know what you are mixing with in a club scenario....you can`t be too careful really but at least they didn`t put them in a car and do one !!!!

A very unnerving eperience for you undoubtedly tho`.

Guns allowed inside a club house ??!! Really? No guns in the club house down here, I always put my gun in the boot of my car and it is locked up between rounds. I know that the onus is on the registered owner of the gun to ensure it is securely stored when not being used and that is a very difficult thing to do if you are say shooting a competition, so for me the best option is in the boot of the car and locked up car alarm goes off if boot is forced... not likely at any of the clubs I visit but guns were stolen from cars at Lonato this year... the were in plain view for the thieves though?? Car window smashed and gun taken in seconds.

Sorry but you are responsible for your own gun. Any establishment that lets any Tom Dick and Harry walk off with any ones gun is gubbage. If I am not shooting then my gun is in the slip and on my shoulder. 

The club guns were issued from behind the counter, this guy left the black action 30" 686E he had been issued and picked up my wifes 28" silver and gold action Tempio Syren. Honestly I don't think this was negligence, nobody is that numb. I think they fancied a go of the nicer guns in the rack, and hoped nobody would notice if I am honest.
That is truly appalling . Not only did he take your wife’s gun, he abandoned a gun that had been signed out to him . It’s got me thinking too , I wouldn’t dream of leaving my iPhone on a club house table while I went to buy a sandwich , but I have left £ X000 worth of gun  in a rack based on nothing more sound than trust ...

I was at a very busy 100 sporting several years ago and picked up my gunslip unzipped it and pulled out a rather nice DT10 which was odd as iam sure I had a gold e. After about 10 minutes a frantic chap came back to the stand with my gunslip gun and cartridge bag. Identical slip and bag. Shame really as he had more expensive cartridges than me.

I have chased after shooters who have run off with my gunslip twice recently! Got my name on it now!

I love this "holier than you" attitude on this subject. Glad so many are perfect.

I do, of course, expect any gun owner to look after their equipment, but i really think some comments/attitudes are a bit condescending to say the least.

I have known that that happen twice, wrong gun picked up and taken home.......much panic ensued from the owners...(not me by the way) 
Yours are all Beretta, if i picked one up by mistake my body would reject it !  :lol:  

I’ve never been to a club where having a slipped gun over my shoulder in the clubhouse is a problem, why might this be frowned upon?

It would seem trivial for grounds with a no guns in the clubhouse policy to have a simple token based trigger lock on the racks outside the clubhouse. Insulated cable through the trigger guard. lock gun to rack, take out the key. Go for a cuppa, return, replace key, take away gun. Like the lockers at a swimming pool for your shoes and underwear, which may more deadly than your shotgun!


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