Tagging along with others

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Active member
Jul 10, 2017
So when I first joined I was pleased to see that shooting grounds are generally welcoming for newcomers and people don't usually mind if a newbie turns up and asks to tag along with another group. I myself shot with random people and it was always quite good fun and bit of fluffy rabbits between stands :)

I usually go with another forum member or my partner, but this time decided to go for a spontaneous shoot on my own (while my partner was doing her wedding prep stuff that I wasn't allowed to come to). I have been in the past on my and usually went with other members. This time, however, was slightly different and just wanted to get your opinions on the situation. :D

I registered for 100 bird shoot and asked if there was anyone on their own that I could tag along so to speak, and save the club providing me with a button pusher. So the person who signed me in just asked a group of two other guys if they were ok with me joining them, I have explained that I'm not a newbie and been shooting at this ground for a while now and I will not bother them, basically just a bit of nice company. The guys seemed to be ok with it and replied sure, exchanged names all well.

I started to put my cartridges into my bag from the boxes and getting ready, when one of the guys taped me on the shoulder and quietly 'asked' if it was ok if I don't go along with them... In my head I thought to myself well why not say that at the first instance as that would be totally ok, but when u say ok and then not ok to me it just all felt kind of awkward and tad rude. I didn't  kick up the fuss, as I simply went back, after the two gents went off, and asked for a button pusher who actually was good company anyway so was a win, the person who signed me in thought it was bit odd, but hey ho.

To me it was one of them really bizarre situations :)  has anyone had anything like that happen to them before?

Some people have a routine shooting and that includes shooting with a certain person/partner.

I generally shoot with the same person but would be happy to have others along as we do fairly regularly but it does change your focus,sometimes better sometimes worse.

They may well of had something that they wanted to talk about but regarded as private,but if they apologised i wouldn't see it as rude.

It may well be that they felt slightly pressured when put on the spot and didn't have the integrity to do what they agreed to do when the person they said ok to was not around.

What i don't understand is where you found a registered shoot that didn't have scorers/referees to press the button for you,i have never been to one or heard of as cheating would be so easy...i presumed it was a requirement..

Misread registered for shoot as a registered shoot.

Shoot registered shoots there will always be a button pusher ;)

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So when I first joined I was pleased to see that shooting grounds are generally welcoming for newcomers and people don't usually mind if a newbie turns up and asks to tag along with another group. I myself shot with random people and it was always quite good fun and bit of fluffy rabbits between stands :)

I usually go with another forum member or my partner, but this time decided to go for a spontaneous shoot on my own (while my partner was doing her wedding prep stuff that I wasn't allowed to come to). I have been in the past on my and usually went with other members. This time, however, was slightly different and just wanted to get your opinions on the situation. :D

I registered for 100 bird shoot and asked if there was anyone on their own that I could tag along so to speak, and save the club providing me with a button pusher. So the person who signed me in just asked a group of two other guys if they were ok with me joining them, I have explained that I'm not a newbie and been shooting at this ground for a while now and I will not bother them, basically just a bit of nice company. The guys seemed to be ok with it and replied sure, exchanged names all well.

I started to put my cartridges into my bag from the boxes and getting ready, when one of the guys taped me on the shoulder and quietly 'asked' if it was ok if I don't go along with them... In my head I thought to myself well why not say that at the first instance as that would be totally ok, but when u say ok and then not ok to me it just all felt kind of awkward and tad rude. I didn't  kick up the fuss, as I simply went back, after the two gents went off, and asked for a button pusher who actually was good company anyway so was a win, the person who signed me in thought it was bit odd, but hey ho.

To me it was one of them really bizarre situations :)  has anyone had anything like that happen to them before?
I think it was rude to agree and then change their minds.  

Some people have a routine shooting and that includes shooting with a certain person/partner.

I generally shoot with the same person but would be happy to have others along as we do fairly regularly but it does change your focus,sometimes better sometimes worse.

They may well of had something that they wanted to talk about but regarded as private,but if they apologised i wouldn't see it as rude.

It may well be that they felt slightly pressured when put on the spot and didn't have the integrity to do what they agreed to do when the person they said ok to was not around.

What i don't understand is where you found a registered shoot that didn't have scorers/referees to press the button for you,i have never been to one or heard of as cheating would be so easy...i presumed it was a requirement..

Misread registered for shoot as a registered shoot.

Shoot registered shoots there will always be a button pusher ;)
No there is always a button pusher, I just feel like people could be doing better things with their time than pushing the button for me, you know, bit more efficient to go with a group :D

And I guess you right, they could have wanted to have a private conversation, that did not cross my mind to be honest :)

I wouldn't take it to heart - most people are friendly enough to have a new person with them.... its how I've met many of the people I shoot with. 

Rude as well as plain horrible, lets hope they missed loads. 

No there is always a button pusher, I just feel like people could be doing better things with their time than pushing the button for me, you know, bit more efficient to go with a group :D

And I guess you right, they could have wanted to have a private conversation, that did not cross my mind to be honest :)
They should have said as much. In fact, if somebody with a loud voice, body odour, three teeth and a nazi tattoo asked to shoot with me, even then I think I would come up with a polite but valid-sounding excuse. Just leaving you cold is awkward. Happened to me at my second registered and I remember it all these years later. Basic lack of manners really.

So when I first joined I was pleased to see that shooting grounds are generally welcoming for newcomers and people don't usually mind if a newbie turns up and asks to tag along with another group. I myself shot with random people and it was always quite good fun and bit of fluffy rabbits between stands :)

I usually go with another forum member or my partner, but this time decided to go for a spontaneous shoot on my own (while my partner was doing her wedding prep stuff that I wasn't allowed to come to). I have been in the past on my and usually went with other members. This time, however, was slightly different and just wanted to get your opinions on the situation. :D

I registered for 100 bird shoot and asked if there was anyone on their own that I could tag along so to speak, and save the club providing me with a button pusher. So the person who signed me in just asked a group of two other guys if they were ok with me joining them, I have explained that I'm not a newbie and been shooting at this ground for a while now and I will not bother them, basically just a bit of nice company. The guys seemed to be ok with it and replied sure, exchanged names all well.

I started to put my cartridges into my bag from the boxes and getting ready, when one of the guys taped me on the shoulder and quietly 'asked' if it was ok if I don't go along with them... In my head I thought to myself well why not say that at the first instance as that would be totally ok, but when u say ok and then not ok to me it just all felt kind of awkward and tad rude. I didn't  kick up the fuss, as I simply went back, after the two gents went off, and asked for a button pusher who actually was good company anyway so was a win, the person who signed me in thought it was bit odd, but hey ho.

To me it was one of them really bizarre situations :)  has anyone had anything like that happen to them before?
Yes, a little rude but don’t get hung up about it. Personally, I don’t shoot competitive trap with strangers, usually because I book a squad on to ensure I know who I’m shooting with. Squad timing and familiarity is important to developing a rhythm and getting into ‘the zone’.

As far as skeet is concerned, i’ll shoot with anyone so long as they’re safe.

very very rude imo, shooters from my experience have always been salt of the earth. Personally I would have replied "now that I am aware of how rude you are no I am not bothered one bit"

as for private conversation, they would have other times during the day to discuss things.

glad I don't shoot clays much these days if that's the sort that are now involed in the sport . Even balltrap wouldn't be that rude.....well he would to me and probably paul120 ?

very very rude imo, shooters from my experience have always been salt of the earth. Personally I would have replied "now that I am aware of how rude you are no I am not bothered one bit"

as for private conversation, they would have other times during the day to discuss things.

glad I don't shoot clays much these days if that's the sort that are now involed in the sport . Even balltrap wouldn't be that rude.....well he would to me and probably paul120 ?
Very unusual I think.  Shame though.


 Do not worry at all about it , they possibly thought that you were Me.

No body wants to shoot with me , not even my gun or cartridges want to work .

 Until yesterday I thought that I was the true definition of Handicap by Distance.

very very rude imo, shooters from my experience have always been salt of the earth. Personally I would have replied "now that I am aware of how rude you are no I am not bothered one bit"

as for private conversation, they would have other times during the day to discuss things.

glad I don't shoot clays much these days if that's the sort that are now involed in the sport . Even balltrap wouldn't be that rude.....well he would to me and probably paul120 ?
yep !


 Do not worry at all about it , they possibly thought that you were Me.

No body wants to shoot with me , not even my gun or cartridges want to work .

 Until yesterday I thought that I was the true definition of Handicap by Distance.
yes and you don't reply to email either ?

None of us including the OP know the circumstances of the men involved. Personally I'd prefer to shoot on my own than force my presence on others as if they have some sort of moral obligation to include me in their day out.

I've spent days with friends going through bereavement,divorce etc and doing something normal with a close friend is often the best way to open up and talk things through one to one. It may be the first time in months these lads have had time off. They may wish to just chill out and relax and not have to make small talk with a stranger.

I have no problem at all with their actions. They were probably caught on the hop with the original question and felt obliged to say yes. I'd have probably done the same.


Compared to some of the conduct of people today that goes down as positively gregarious!

That having been said, you never know what other people are going through or what burdens they are carrying. That may have been the day the one shooter was going to tell the other that he'd had a crush on him for years and they should elope! 

Shrug it off, don't take it personally and keep asking to join others or offering to buddy up with someone obviously on their own.

I do the same and the past 3 or 4 years it has resulted in some lasting friendships being struck with people I would never even have crossed paths with otherwise.

I'm Billy no mates too, ;)  

Cept at chrimbo, when everybody wants to be my friend  ( cant think why :) ).

I agree, some people will agree to shoot with you but totally blank you other than pushing the button.

I usually make my excuses, take my card, and wander back to the club house.  

On the flip side I have to say,  sometimes it's nice to hit a stand with the delay button and shoot a troublesome bird  over and over again util ive got it right,

Without a retired colonel who knew the friend of a friend of a friends milkman who use to deliver milk to that famous bloke who spectated at the world championships.

Standing to your left  or right  regailing how they had prefected this shot, by the above relationship ;)

Mind you it makes skeet bloody quick when your solo


I'm Billy no mates too, ;)  

Cept at chrimbo, when everybody wants to be my friend  ( cant think why :) ).

I agree, some people will agree to shoot with you but totally blank you other than pushing the button.

I usually make my excuses, take my card, and wander back to the club house.  

On the flip side I have to say,  sometimes it's nice to hit a stand with the delay button and shoot a troublesome bird  over and over again util ive got it right,

Without a retired colonel who knew the friend of a friend of a friends milkman who use to deliver milk to that famous bloke who spectated at the world championships.

Standing to your left  or right  regailing how they had prefected this shot, by the above relationship ;)

Mind you it makes skeet bloody quick when your solo

How have you been?  Got out much lately for a shoot?

How have you been?  Got out much lately for a shoot?
Hi Sian,  

Had a quiet year last year, shooting went to pot!    couldnt hit a barn door  

Just took it easy and did some straw bailers,  i'm hoping to do more this year time and funds permitting,  daft part is i can hit near on everything i go for, but not repeatably :)

Except trap,  i havent got a clue with that :)  

I did some DTL when i was in Oz  last year,  enjoyed it ...  skeet was tougher though!

