Shot Sizes........???

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2012
So then, I've always been interested in ballistics, passing my Technology 'O' Level (I know its a long time ago), on the drag effect on different bullet shapes.

So why should Shotgun shells be any different.  Thing is, I've cut open dozens of cartridges to find that what they advertise on the definitely not what they are selling on the inside.

So we already know the Italians (Fiocchi for instance) are a half a shot size out, but at least they are consistent.  Gamebore are the same.  Still selling a 6.5 shot shell when it is a 6 shot should be frowned upon as it clearly states that it is a 6 shot cartridge on their website and some grounds specify a max size of 6.5 shot......naughty.

I measured a Hull cartridge and that was on the money.  But Rollup Express.  Power Gold 8's measured at a very consistent 7.5.....Not bad.  Super Comp 7's measured anywhere between 6.5 and 8.5 shot over 50 pellets!!!!!  Expensive shell to have lots of different size shot in methinks.  A 'AAA' class shot friend of mine has recently gravitated to Supreme '8's and his kills are nothing short of breathtaking........even at range.  He's a very good shot I know, but after measuring his shell, the 8 shot measured a meticulously accurate 8.5 shot.   Yes.....he's shooting dust at 70yd crossers and pulverising them.  As an Engineer I like Kinetic Energy at range and all of this shot size stuff is doing my head in. 

Maybe I should just shoot and not cut shells open.  At least the missus would stop nagging me about lead balls all over the kitchen floor......

I know you have to point / put the shot in the right place but still I think its right folk cut cartridges open and see what they are getting for their hard earned.

The cost of cartridges I would expect far higher standard that that you found Geordieboy.

Geordieboy, have you checked any Gamebore ??

Hi Sniper

Yes I have.  Unique wads to Gamebore, though I've only checked Dark Storm, Black Gold and White Gold.  They all share the same wads.  Shot is hard, shiny and very consistent, but half a size bigger and they state that on their website.  8 shot is 2.3mm (7.5 UK Shot).  Good Quality components.

Truthfully though, it is all about what it does at the shoulder and at the business end.  But I was a bit shocked to see a Super Comp with shot in between 2.1mm - 2.5mm.  I am sure it does what is says on the Tin.......but either that is just a one off (I doubt it) or poor quality control.  the Power Gold 8 shot was a nice evenly balanced 7.5 shot so maybe just a poor batch.  But at the charges they are asking for them?.......... :hmm:

I'd want to know I was shooting a 7 at a 90yd target and not a 9........even if it does break it!!!!  Its all in the head

A couple of years ago I shot several rounds with Steel 24g 9s to use the damned things up, it didn’t make any difference to my scores despite the horrible recoil and ear ringing, it seems to be that there is an awful lot of rubbish spouted about much of this shooting stuff by manufacturers

'Gamebore injection mould their own wads '

So do Gamebore own Baschieri & Pellagri and Cheddite then?

I very much doubt that Gamebore manufacture their own wads , hence the comment.
