A question to ground owners

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2012
With increasing costs to every day living I for one have cut back on clay shooting, the cartridge prices are at an all time high and I doubt they will ever go down !

So the question i would like to ask is, you have put on a 100 bird registered could there be an option to shoot 50 at half the cost of a 100 , i think you will always get the ones that shoot most weekends doing the 100 but you may entice some who wouldn't have gone for financial reasons to turn up and shoot 50,  if there was that option 

clay shooting is expensive  and will never be cheaper , and the biggest rip off to come is steel ,   people will eventually pack up or shoot less ,   either will be to the detriment of our sport !!   anyone know the mark up on clays and cartridges  ?  and prepared to tell ?   yes factor in many overheads to grounds  but its still expensive for a pauper like me !    

With increasing costs to every day living I for one have cut back on clay shooting, the cartridge prices are at an all time high and I doubt they will ever go down !

So the question i would like to ask is, you have put on a 100 bird registered could there be an option to shoot 50 at half the cost of a 100 , i think you will always get the ones that shoot most weekends doing the 100 but you may entice some who wouldn't have gone for financial reasons to turn up and shoot 50,  if there was that option 
I think you have answered yourself with the question.... "REGISTERED SHOOTS"

If the cost is the issue, then surely a non registered ground, club, etc will be cheaper ?

I know of a club that is £32/100 sporting clays. 10 stands of 10 pairs.... lots of trap issues & broken clays & score yourself.... so £8 more for 12 stands, very minimal breakdowns, minimal no birds & a qualified cpsa ref to button push & score your card is only £00.08 pence per clay more..... does it get much cheaper ??

Just saying !!

registered shoots are actually very good value these days
Am another of the opinion that a well thought out, well run registered shoot is VFM. As others had mentioned elsewhere clay or any type of shooting is never going to be “cheap” 

My local ground is around 32p a clay. There isn't anyone buttoning or keeping score for you, but no birds aren't an issue. The odd one now and again. But that ground is open 7 days a week with free practice available whenever you go.

I recently drove two and a half hours to a ground to pick up a new gun and despite it being a ground I wanted to try I found out that free practice is only available certain days. Presumably so that there are staff around to push buttons and keep score...

I would rather be able to shoot when convenient than have someone there to mark a card and only shoot if they're there.

I remember when a 25bird DTL practice on a Thursday evening was £2.50 and a box of cartridges was £2.50... so a good few hours out was £10......just saying 😁

I well remember the £2.50 era and nowadays it is expensive. But what isn't?! If I'm in the mood I can spend the best part of a day on a 100 reg. Get there early, watch the stands then a coffee and the crack afterwards. All for around £100.

On days I'm not shooting we spend time as a family with our kids. You soon realise then how quickly you can burn through money!!


Back in the eighties when I lived in Sheffield and co ran a clay club, on free Sundays, we used to attend 50 bird registerd shoots at Holmfirth Gun Club where they perhaps had a 50 DTL in the morning and a 50 sporting in the afternoon.  A really good little ground with great attendance figures for these 50 birders and I for one would love to see a few of these returning because as a retired ole fart, I would find that a hell of a lot better on my pocket and if you wanted to shoot 100 clays, do both morning and afternoon sessions.  I can recall the taste of the hot pork pies they had on offer but we had to order them as soon as we got there as they soon went.

Back in the eighties when I lived in Sheffield and co ran a clay club, on free Sundays, we used to attend 50 bird registerd shoots at Holmfirth Gun Club where they perhaps had a 50 DTL in the morning and a 50 sporting in the afternoon.  A really good little ground with great attendance figures for these 50 birders and I for one would love to see a few of these returning because as a retired ole fart, I would find that a hell of a lot better on my pocket and if you wanted to shoot 100 clays, do both morning and afternoon sessions.  I can recall the taste of the hot pork pies they had on offer but we had to order them as soon as we got there as they soon went.
Thanks for your comments Philpot sounds like a great place to shoot. Maybe there's is some demand for 50 bird registered shoots after all, with options to shoot 100 if you so wished 

Just saying !! 

I remember when a 25bird DTL practice on a Thursday evening was £2.50 and a box of cartridges was £2.50... so a good few hours out was £10......just saying 😁
Talk about stirring things up Ian. Showing your age as well by the sound of it. 😂😂😂


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