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Feb 20, 2018
Currently have browning 525, am considering upgrading to treat myself after 10 years.

Nothing wrong with the gun, just fancy a change. Any suggestions for next gun (I know this is a can of worms, and I need to shoot with a few and have a proper gun fitting), but would be good to hear of your success/horror stories coming from the browning 525.

Also after suggestions of where to buy next gun-I’m thinking premier guns.

I’m based in Newbury area, but happy to travel nationally for the right service, my budget is £6000 or less.

For info I am a recreational shooter of sporting, don’t bother with comps but shoot around 85/100 on a normal day
The most open ended question with no solid answer. But it fascinates us all as we’ve all been there..

“Not bothering with comps” does place you in the “no idea why you’re doing it then” category to me. 😅. But that doesn’t make me right, just different. However it means your drivers for change are not purely results driven so maybe you want something pretty and of a brand that rewards the pride of ownership element. So a great used Perazzi? Otherwise look at a 694 as one of your options if you want a very decent clay breaking tool that doesn’t embarrass. Plenty of dealers nearer to you. EJC, Emmett and Stone, William Evans Bisley, Park street etc..
I'll echo Will's post on the 694, a lot of gun for the money. I know a quite a few people who shoot one, and they really rate them. Also within budget, I'd possibly also be looking at new Caesar Guerini or a Blaser F3. Used then you'd get a very good condition DT11 or Perazzi. You might even stretch it to a K80. Best part of buying a used gun, is quite often you can try it before you buy it. For £6k I'd definitely be looking at getting a proper fitting done, rather than relying on a "shop" fitting.

Personally I went from a 525 to a used DT11, and am more than happy with my choice.
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Have a look at Mickley Hall website. Good sporting ground, loads of guns to try on their ground. John, Scott or Lara will look after you. I think I've had 8 guns from them over the years.
Even had one that had a small problem with, so they lent me a gun whilst mine was being sorted. TBF, it only took 4 days. Another bonus, Jill does a good English breakfast for only £6.
Excluding All Browing/Miroku.
As Above I'd be looking at New Beretta 694 Adjustable stock and also consider an CG invictus adjustable at a push
Second hand. Good Perazzi, MX8, MX2000 or MX12 or MX 2000s. Consider getting an adjustable stock. Loads of stocks available so buy the best available and then get it to fit.
A second hand DT11 also would be in my list.
Just quick.look at GT. I came across this:
https://www.guntrader.uk/guns/shotguns/kemen/over-under/12-gauge/km4-sporter-240121213531943Kemen are top guns and sought after. It's important to get one in good/ great condition.
Actually just reflecting. I fancy that gun for myself. It ticks a lot of boxes.
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If you shoot well with a 525 , why give yourself the problem changing over to a different gun ? £6k would buy a nearly new 525 Heritage sporter . That ticks the something special box.
Exactly there are loads of upgrades on the basic 525 action with better wood and engraving.
One question - how much do you shoot ?

Many, such as Will & certainly me, pick a gun with reliability and consistency for regular use - 10k/15k a year maybe - so the 694 & F3 ticks the box at reasonable money new (perhaps you will need 2nd hand with the F3 at £6k). I have both and they whilst they are different in their own ways, they are both "it was my fault" guns. My daughter's 525s is however the same for her.

If however you are shooting less, a used B25 may be better for you, provided there is someone local to repair it (and you will need to keep the 525). A guy I shoot with regularly has two B25s but we are South Leicestershire and we have a good gunsmith to support them.

You will also need to decide if you want pretty gun (the 525 Heritage Sporter etc above) or spend the money on mechanics (K80 etc). The CG's can tick the pretty box and are also well built but they do not retain their value that well so are you going to resell it at any point ?. The CG invictus is well worth a look and if you want pretty the upper grades are something else.

Finally, it's assumed you are happy with 85/100 - a new gun is not going to make you better, certainly in the short term. I'm not sure where you shoot but on the comp circuit I wouldn't be messing with that score in terms of picking a gun with different balance and feel.
You will also need to decide if you want pretty gun (the 525 Heritage Sporter etc above) or spend the money on mechanics (K80 etc). The CG's can tick the pretty box and are also well built but they do not retain their value that well so are you going to resell it at any point ?. The CG invictus is well worth a look and if you want pretty the upper grades are something else.
Never understood why used CG's don't hold their price as well as other makes.
Never understood why used CG's don't hold their price as well as other makes.
It might be that in a very slow moving and traditional industry, it’s still a comparatively “new” name so not as trusted yet. Give it another decade, might be better..
I just swapped from a browning ultra xs pro to a Caesar Guerini Maxum gold ltd! I love the browning! I shoot well with either gun! But for me was the “ooo” factor when I take the CG out of the cabinet! The browning was functional….that was it! IMG_2576.jpeg
I just swapped from a browning ultra xs pro to a Caesar Guerini Maxum gold ltd! I love the browning! I shoot well with either gun! But for me was the “ooo” factor when I take the CG out of the cabinet! The browning was functional….that was it! View attachment 10541
There’s a lot of clay shatter around there. Stick it in a slip, quick!
It might be that in a very slow moving and traditional industry, it’s still a comparatively “new” name so not as trusted yet. Give it another decade, might be better..
I also think they especially got a bit of a bad rap when they first came out of being of an action design similar to the cheap end of the market with longevity being brought into question.
It was the only time I saw a comment in one of Mr H's reviews that was remotely negative.
I've not owned one but from what I see,
they certainly shoot well and many people love them, so 9 out of 10 cats, etc.
The concerns were addressed with the invictus to remove any doubt in the longevity area.
Thanks for all of your suggestions and feedback-it’s really appreciated. As Will points out a question that is open ended.

I agree with Pux that my 525 is purely functional, I don’t have that “polishing my rare sports car” feeling when I’m cleaning it.

To answer Will’s question (performance versus emotion) I’ll happily take an improvement on 85/100 but my driver is to have a little more emotional attachment/pride with the gun. So going with a high end 525 initially makes sense as it should shoot/fit similar to what I already have.

However all of the other suggestions do “look” lovely (thanks for the photos and links).

I guess if I had the money I would commit to a Perazzi vip custom fit gun at the factory trip-so truly built for me and chosen by me.

Would be interested to understand from the shooters on here did you regret changing/“upgrading” from your first gun, or did it tick the emotional response box and performance box?

Thanks all
Perhaps you should take a look at a Zoli Kronos. Boss Action like a Perazzi and very well finished. Detachable Trigger Group.
Would be my Choice over a CG.
Thanks for all of your suggestions and feedback-it’s really appreciated. As Will points out a question that is open ended.

I agree with Pux that my 525 is purely functional, I don’t have that “polishing my rare sports car” feeling when I’m cleaning it.

To answer Will’s question (performance versus emotion) I’ll happily take an improvement on 85/100 but my driver is to have a little more emotional attachment/pride with the gun. So going with a high end 525 initially makes sense as it should shoot/fit similar to what I already have.

However all of the other suggestions do “look” lovely (thanks for the photos and links).

I guess if I had the money I would commit to a Perazzi vip custom fit gun at the factory trip-so truly built for me and chosen by me.

Would be interested to understand from the shooters on here did you regret changing/“upgrading” from your first gun, or did it tick the emotional response box and performance box?

Thanks all
for me the Ultra was my fourth gun! And the only one I saved hard for, I loved it, I shot well with it by my standards. Do I regret it, no but I wish I was well off enough to keep it alongside my CG! Every time I use my CG I smile, I enjoy the how lively it is. Currently it ticks all my boxes.
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Would be interested to understand from the shooters on here did you regret changing/“upgrading” from your first gun, or did it tick the emotional response box and performance box?
No regrets upgrading, or buying it in the first place. My first gun was a 525 laminate, which I still have. I'm a big lump, so no gun is ever going to fit me off the shelf without modifications. It was too short & doesn't have enough cast, but I had some great fun with it. I personally don't shoot it anymore, but I keep it in case any friends/family want to come out shooting. I then went from 30 to 32" barrels with an XS Pro, as I had a go with one, and preferred the longer barrels and the beavertail forend. Still the same length/cast issues though.
Recently decided to have a stock made, then saw a DT11L for sale for a price I couldn't afford not to buy. So the custom stock is going to be made for that instead, and the XS is going up for sale. Any emotional attachment to any of them? Nope. Keeping the 525 laminate over the XS, as I only need one "loaner" gun, and I'll get more for the XS. End of the day, a shotgun is a tool, but we all like nice tools.
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