ISSF Rules interpretation

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Just played out in Qatar.

I can see our lot making a real pigs ear of the finals.

As someone just pointed out on FB.....the blind leading the blind.......I hope i am wrong :smile:

12 for trap 15 for skeet and then up to 15 for all the shoot offs. 

Should be fun............!!

It'll soon iron itself out. For anybody still there at the end.

Im going start to train for this final system, should make things interesting, lots of single barrel training needed I think, feeling pretty good with the new stock

Interesting stuff that, so we now have a full 2 seconds longer.

why is the blinker size rule such an issue, why does it matter if they protrude further than your forehead or deeper than 60mm, I dont wear them so doesnt effect me just interested.

Interesting stuff that, so we now have a full 2 seconds longer.

why is the blinker size rule such an issue, why does it matter if they protrude further than your forehead or deeper than 60mm, I dont wear them so doesnt effect me just interested.
I shall tell you why the blinker rule is so important my old mate!!!! Because they have to justify their existence somehow!! These people cannot leave things alone if things are going OK, they have to sod about with things that should be left well alone. Yes I do wear side blinders, in some circumstances I have been known to have them sticking out a long way too, mainly to counteract a distraction of some sort, or maybe due to the sun or it reflecting off of something.  Mostly I wear short stiff blinders though, they do not stick out very far, as opposed to the old cardboard ones I used to use, which could be made to stick out a ver long way!

I just wish these bloody rule makers would sod off to be honest Ian!! :growl:

If the blinker size rule is anything like ISSF target shooting rules its because blinders and blinkers obscure the shooters face for televised finals.

If the blinker size rule is anything like ISSF target shooting rules its because blinders and blinkers obscure the shooters face for televised finals.
Well Robert if that is the case, then it's a pathetic reason! Such things make my blood boil. :roadrage:

None of the above....!

It is because shooters can get their sponsors name in through what was a loop hole.

Anyone remember what Michael Diamonds were? At the 2012 London Olympics ....!

And he is a man of extreme taste !!!!

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None of the above....!

It is because shooters can get their sponsors name in through what was a loop hole.

Anyone remember what Michael Diamonds were? At the 2012 London Olympics ....!

And he is a man of extreme taste !!!!
OK Nic I have not a clue as to who his sponors were! Who was it?

Only the best.......




  • Fiocchi Golden Trap - Copy.JPG
    Fiocchi Golden Trap - Copy.JPG
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Well whatever the reason tis a bit daft to me. I like Roberts reason best cos if i was ever in a televised final (yep doubtfull i know) you would not want to disappoint the ladies by obscuring my face. :)

Under the new ISSF rules the size of side blinders is limited 9.12.4 but there is no restriction on advertising 4.6 Table 1

As its size related I still favour my explanation

Maybe it's different for the Olympics

They are desperate to make the shooting sports more TV friendly and that won't happen if all the athletes faces are covered up with hats, glasses and eye or side blinders so there are rules to restrict their size so that as much of the face can be seen as possible whilst still affording the athlete necessary protection from the sun, light or clay fragments.

Well whatever the reason tis a bit daft to me. I like Roberts reason best cos if i was ever in a televised final (yep doubtfull i know) you would not want to disappoint the ladies by obscuring my face. :)
Jesus I've heard it all. And I guess you are also going to put yourself forward as a potential candidate for the job of Pope!!  :codemafia:   Go for it Don ips!!!! Make em an offer they can't refuse!!!!

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Under the new ISSF rules the size of side blinders is limited 9.12.4 but there is no restriction on advertising 4.6 Table 1

As its size related I still favour my explanation

Maybe it's different for the Olympics

They are desperate to make the shooting sports more TV friendly and that won't happen if all the athletes faces are covered up with hats, glasses and eye or side blinders so there are rules to restrict their size so that as much of the face can be seen as possible whilst still affording the athlete necessary protection from the sun, light or clay fragments.
Most of the time that shooting is shown on TV, you only get to see the back of the shooters anyway. Frontal camera shots tend to be rather dangerous! :tease:

Most of the time that shooting is shown on TV, you only get to see the back of the shooters anyway. Frontal camera shots tend to be rather dangerous! :tease:

Not actually - for all the target shooting there are loads of shots from the target end of things as the cameras are automatic and on rails in front of the firing line.

Not actually - for all the target shooting there are loads of shots from the target end of things as the cameras are automatic and on rails in front of the firing line.
Nah....that's cheating Robert!!!! :haha:
