Perazzi MX8

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Never really had me down as a sales man but perhaps I am missing a trick and I thought I had done well making my first million by the age of 30, if I did not know you better Nicola I could have been convinced you were being sarcastic. time to put the DB9 away then off to bed peeps. :sleep:

Nowt to do with me Shaun..... so just covering all angles...

Buy it or don't buy does not matter to me.

I looked at it and decided not to buy it.

Each to their own.

Freedom of choice is a marvellous thing.....don't ya know :laugh:

" If the gun has been serviced properly it may well have had worn parts replaced, as for briley they have choked thousands of guns if they were no good they would not be in business true story "

What constitutes an acceptable percentage of passable work?  Judging from the mechanical abilities of far the majority of shooters I know, giving their estimation of the quality of Briley's work any credibility would be a stretch.  Not to say that Briley's work is bad, but some has been noted as such.  I, for one, will not pop the $ for a gun that might be OK, or not.  Aftermarket chokes, anyone's, are not on my list of goodies to die for. 

but that could just be me

Ah hahahahahahahahahaha

And me Charlie...... I am with you 100%

But ...there we go.....the world is a big place with lots of people old enough to make their own choice....

So lets see what happens..... :laugh:

Hampster.....please keep us all informed......

Will you or won't you jump into the wide blue yonder....and take the risk of having a beautiful gun...that has been choked.

If you do decide to jump ( just make sure you get more off the price) ...will you let us all know what price you settled on. We are waiting with baited breath for the outcome.

Many thanks.

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I honestly think the price is bang on, not the haggling sort me. I want to know the guy is making a few hundred quid but all told so far the only thing stopping me is the barrel selector issue; as I use it for ESP that is important to me. 

Ah hahahahahahahahahaha

Ah hahahahahahahahahaha

Ah hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Sorry .....I have to leave forum for a while as I cannot write whilst splitting my sides laughing......

I LOVE this is so funny.........LOVE IT....LOVE IT......

Completely miffed now and that takes some doing so going to leave you pissing in the wind with this one hamster. Good luck

I honestly think the price is bang on, not the haggling sort me. I want to know the guy is making a few hundred quid but all told so far the only thing stopping me is the barrel selector issue; as I use it for ESP that is important to me. 
Hammy if the selector is that important just forget it and keep looking mate!
iPS ...what is a barrel selector for...??


Emmsy said:
anyway my 2p worth is for around 2.3k you can buy a brand new guerini trap gun and having shot clynts you get hell of a good value for money package.

if it wasnt for the fact i love my k80 i would buy one.
You canne be serious with that Emmsy, there's me thinking a man with a Krieghoff will know his guns. :taunt:  not going to start a CG rage but there's no way you can compare a 682/P gun with one of those :blink:  . Incidentally according to their brochure Trap versions are non selective and for those confused as to why I think it's important : 

The whole point of having a double barrel gun is you screw in two different chokes, say an LM and a 3/4. Now if and when I come to a stand where I would want to fire tight first, then half a second moving the selector over is way preferable to two minutes swapping the chokes, simples.  :yes:

My second gun gets used for pigeon and here you definitely need the quick swap facility otherwise you are always having to shoot the same spread first bang which will not be a good idea. :hunter:

Hahaha. Sorry to have to disagree and I am not wanting to start any is just me offering another opinion (obviously people have to decide themselves what they like)....but I think that choke swapping and barrel fiddling is limited to 'some' sporting shooters. I have some multi choke guns but never alter the choke. Everything is 3/4 full and I just get on with it........have done same for millions of years.... :wink:

Peeps.....if you are new to the sport.....pick a combo and learn to shoot it. Don't put it in your head that you need to fiddle.

Well that is my honest opinion...for what it is worth.

(Psssssst.......I knew it...... :laugh: .....goose chase.... :wink: IMHO )

Missed the bit about pigeon shooting did we, never mind I bow to your ESP average. Oh no you don't shoot hedge monkey stuff do you, just offer advice. 

Missed the bit about pigeon shooting did we, never mind I bow to your ESP average. Oh no you don't shoot hedge monkey stuff do you, just offer advice.
Did not miss it actually, and no need to go all 'gay queen' on me......because I shoot the same at pigeon ....but with 36grm. That is the only change I make. :kiss:

P.s. Yes I do sometimes shoot sporting although not a lot now....but when I was good enough to make the England FITASC team a few times....before going to the dark side.....and GBR team.....and i never.....ever....shot only one get so used to the targets.......

I still coach sporting and game shooting I always have done....

As for ESP averages.....hahahahaha .....I never bother about those ......but I do love it when my youngster beat my scores....I get great pleasure out of that.

Does that answer your gay question?

God I do hope so.

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Did not miss it actually, and no need to go all 'gay queen' on me......because I shoot the same at pigeon ....but with 36grm. That is the only change I make.

I like that, might nick and use it sometimes.

Sorry posted twice.. iPhone playing up

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I think Hampsters had...

I never pressed mine.

I think he is funny. Makes me laugh.

Actually I have been trying to give good advice ......not sure why he has gone all Gay bitchfest on me.... :smile:


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