Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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    • JoostB
      JoostB replied to the thread dented laminate stock.
      It is wise to at least seal the stock. In airgun stocks I have seen it happen that rain was able to enter the laminate stock. It caused...
    • JoostB
      JoostB replied to the thread Gun up or down.
      My game is Olympic skeet. If I shoot trap I actually do better gun down than pre mounted. I am sure that if I would train a lot of trap...
    • JoostB
      JoostB reacted to perazman's post in the thread Gun up or down with Like Like.
      When I learnt to shoot a very long time ago, you started gun up as a novice but were taught gun down as soon as possible. I've been...
    • JoostB
      JoostB reacted to ScotMac's post in the thread Gun up or down with Like Like.
      I find that gun in the shoulder, but head off the stock, prevents me becoming focused on the barrel before the clay appears. It also...
    • JoostB
      JoostB replied to the thread Gun up or down.
      Here in Holland always gun down in both Olympic and sporting skeet. If it makes you loose time it can’t be much. If your mount is right...
    • JoostB
      JoostB reacted to Martinj's post in the thread Remove front bead or not ? with Like Like.
      My bead is a very important part of my sight picture (I shoot sporting.) I definitely use it on going away targets but I'm aware of it...
    • JoostB
      JoostB reacted to k80ben's post in the thread Remove front bead or not ? with Like Like.
      Seeing rhe bead or the barrel is imperative to modern day shooting
    • JoostB
      JoostB reacted to borderbill's post in the thread Remove front bead or not ? with Like Like.
      One time while shooting dove in SA I started missing for no reason I could figure. After awhile I noticed the front bead of the gun was...
    • JoostB
      JoostB reacted to MartynB's post in the thread Eye dominance solutions with Like Like.
      The patch doesn’t have to be solid or 15 mm. I use the sort of dots opticians use to occlude vision , they are semi transparent and in...
    • JoostB
      JoostB replied to the thread Eye dominance solutions.
      I am true left eye dominant and shoot from the right shoulder. I have tried lots of gimmicks. Just closing my left eye right before...
    • JoostB
      JoostB replied to the thread Remove front bead or not ?.
      My game is (Olympic) skeet. I find the front bead very important to have. For going away targets I really use it to point. For the...
    • JoostB
      JoostB reacted to borderbill's post in the thread Greetings from Arizona, USA with Like Like.
      I'm an avid shotgunner here in the US though in the past I've shot game in Scotland and throughout North and South America. I've been an...
    • JoostB
      JoostB reacted to Lloyd Pattison's post in the thread New Blaser Clay Gun with Like Like.
      It was 9lb 4 and balanced dead on the pin. Every gun will balance based on the density of the wood in the stock, so it will be an...
    • JoostB
      JoostB reacted to Freddypip's post in the thread New Blaser Clay Gun with Haha Haha.
      Lloyd - If you feel a twinge in your mid rift that will be a hernia.
    • JoostB
      JoostB replied to the thread New Browning release - 825.
      I like the looks of the 825 pro sport.
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