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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. JoostB

    dented laminate stock

    It is wise to at least seal the stock. In airgun stocks I have seen it happen that rain was able to enter the laminate stock. It caused it to de-laminate.
  2. JoostB

    Gun up or down

    My game is Olympic skeet. If I shoot trap I actually do better gun down than pre mounted. I am sure that if I would train a lot of trap I would be better mounted than gundown otherwise the great shots would be shooting gun down I guess. If you shoot gun down you should mount while moving. I...
  3. JoostB

    Gun up or down

    Here in Holland always gun down in both Olympic and sporting skeet. If it makes you loose time it can’t be much. If your mount is right, it is done in the swing. A lot of time would be lost if the gun is first mounted before the swing is begun. Shooting gun down also gives you a much better view.
  4. JoostB

    Eye dominance solutions

    I am true left eye dominant and shoot from the right shoulder. I have tried lots of gimmicks. Just closing my left eye right before taking the shot worked for a while. At some point, after shooting for about 2 years, somehow I automatically started to shoot 2 eyes open whilst looking with my...
  5. JoostB

    Remove front bead or not ?

    My game is (Olympic) skeet. I find the front bead very important to have. For going away targets I really use it to point. For the other targets I always know where it is.
  6. JoostB

    New Browning release - 825

    I like the looks of the 825 pro sport.
  7. JoostB

    New Blaser Clay Gun

    I made the move to Perazzi last year. It definitely has personality. It took me a few months to finetune. But now I shoot better with it than with anything before.
  8. JoostB

    Beretta Stock Height

    Just out of interest; why is the adjustable stock the worst one? That is if you just fit it once and then don’t alter it anymore afterwards.
  9. JoostB

    Comments on shotkam please

    I would invest that money in lessons. There is always a reason why you miss somewhere. Feet, hold point, speed, cheek weld etc. The shotcam just shows you a hit or where you missed. A good teacher will be able to tell you why you miss and how to correct that.
  10. JoostB

    What’s up with the high rib? It seems so.
  11. JoostB


    After fiddling around with it I went back to the pad that I was using before. The weights didn’t cause it.
  12. JoostB

    Remember to put your glasses on

    Last year a piece of clay fell on my head. Even though I was wearing a basebal cap it still gave me a cut that was still bleeding a few hours later. So, for me also, ears, eyes and a baseball cap... always.
  13. JoostB

    Clever T2 🤔

    Steel T2’s in 24/7 or 24/9 are my favorites. I hope this is an exception.
  14. JoostB

    Dirty Barrels

    I don’t care either. But empty cartridges stuck in the chambers would annoy me as well.
  15. JoostB

    Dirty Barrels

    I have seen a guy shooting steel gamebore black gold 28 grams. They would dirty his barrels so much that he had a hard time getting the empty hulls out after a couple of hundred shells. This was in a browning BTW.
  16. JoostB

    UK gunshop suggestion please

    Recoil is one thing, but how does it handle?
  17. JoostB

    Bennelli 828'S'

    Someone I know had one. Ejector problems pretty much from day 1.
  18. JoostB

    Has Anyone Ever Seen a RFD/Dealer Using SnapCaps?

    Could I take out the trigger group from my MX8 and then relax the leaf springs by pulling the triggers? This way the firing pins will not wear, but would it be bad in some way for the trigger group?
  19. JoostB

    Shooting glasses

    I have glass lenses in my Pilla inserts. So no problems with clarity. When I used my X6 Pilla’s without inserts I loved the fact that they never fogged up. With the inserts they do fog up sometimes. Without inserts my eyebrows didn’t mess up the pills lenses. With inserts my eyebrows touch the...
  20. JoostB

    Miss fire!

    It is because in a browning the bottom firing pin is set at an angle. The pin for the top barrel is not at an angle.