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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. timps


    I shot with one on a borrowed shot gun which was the same as my own gun but with the reducer added.  I have no idea if it was set up right but I didn’t notice any difference in felt recoil over my own gun however I didn’t like the sound/sensation of shooting with it, it felt and sounded like...
  2. timps

    ported chokes

    While the ports will allow gas to escape, the rear of the wad spends so little time passing through the ported area the amount of gas it will dissipate would be minuscule. If you take a box of 25 shells and shoot at 25 different pattern plates, you will have 25 different unique  patterns that...
  3. timps


    Try looking here "A Guide to Target Distance and Target Speed Discipline Discipline Target Distance Approximate Target Speed Olympic Trap                        76m +/- 1m           (83yd +/- 1yd) Double Trap...
  4. timps

    BROWNING Ultra XS Pro ( feedback )

    It’s a fair point and my experience is in no way conclusive proof that there is a systemic problem. However I was approached by a fellow shooter and asked if I had a problem with the stock coming loose, it’s the only time I’ve been asked that so figure  there could be issues with certain guns of...
  5. timps

    BROWNING Ultra XS Pro ( feedback )

    If your prestige adjustable came with the adjustable mechanism that had one locking bolt that controls ever direction accessed through the butt plate that would randomly loosen and readjust itself mid shoot then, from experience, I feel your pain.  I see the more modern Brownings are now sold...
  6. timps

    which chokes are you currently using in 2021 ?

    Discipline : English Sporting Gun : Caesar Guerini Summit Ascent Chokes : Caesar Guerini maxis 1/2 & 1/2 and cylinder for bouncy close rabbits 
  7. timps

    It balances on the hinge pin....

    I had a Browning ultra XS with extended Midas chokes and although it was lighter overall than than the DT10 that replaced it the Browning felt heavier in the hands due to the weight being all in the barrels and the Midas extended chokes being made out of the heaviest substance known to man stuck...
  8. timps

    Barrel lengths and accuracy

    By shooting a lot through of shot through it or going mad with the phosphor bronze brush and a cordless drill😁 But In the UK It’s easily answered a shotgun is considered out of proof and thus worn out when the bore size reaches ten thousandths of an inch in excess of the size stamped on the...
  9. timps

    Where do you draw the line?

    Catton Hall charge  Comp - £35 Birds only - £30 or  Practice   100 Clays - £24.00 I am happy enough with those prices and it's a lovely ground as well
  10. timps

    Chokes - extended, ported or not?

    The marketing men will have you believe because extended chokes are longer, they therefore have a more gradual taper and / or a longer parallel section which is meant to help stabilise the shot better than the shorter flush chokes. Having owned Teague flush and OEM extended for a Beretta I...
  11. timps

    Cabinet fitting - Is this ok?

    It is all about risk assessment and backside covering and I’m bored so here goes. On your shotgun certificate:- Condition 4 (a) “The firearms and ammunition [or shotguns] to which the certificate relates must at all times (except in the circumstances set out in paragraph (b) below) be stored...
  12. timps

    FLO visit or not??

    The only legislation is that firearms must be stored securely at all times (except in certain circumstances) so as to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, access to the guns by unauthorised persons. However, the legislation doesn’t go into detail on how you should do that as I have said...
  13. timps

    FLO visit or not??

    Just shows you the disparity between the forces. I know in 2015 GMP completely reviewed their procedures after an IPCC investigation into firearms licensing procedures country wide.  A member of their staff was suspended and after that FEO’s were by the book.  I know a friends cabinet was...
  14. timps

    FLO visit or not??

    It’s to do with the risk assessment, they have to put down how many guns you can securely store in a box ticking exercise. According to government guidelines the number of guns increases risk, professional thieves are not going to target a home for 1 gun but might for 7. I know over a certain...
  15. timps

    FLO visit or not??

    Depends on the force you are with. Legally you are responsible for your security and it isn’t specified how you should do it in law therefore as long as the cabinet that you fit is deemed suitable by a judge you commit no crime. However, the chief of police is legally responsible that your...