Gun Trader new website 😩😩😩

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Trying to narrow a search down to a certain barrel size and won't work.... Last time they tried an update was pish too
The most annoying thing with GunTrader is the model selection. Say you want to browse Browning 525. You have to select about 40 odd variations. B525, B525, B525 Sport, B525 Sporter, B 525 Sporter Gd1.........
It appears they are oblivious to the absolute garbage update. It has been well over a week now and they are stubbornly sticking with it.
It was fine generally although I agree you had to choose too many options looking for lets say a B525. But what's there now is not ready for use. I'll take another look in a month, although I'm looking for a news gun now.
The most annoying thing with GunTrader is the model selection. Say you want to browse Browning 525. You have to select about 40 odd variations. B525, B525, B525 Sport, B525 Sporter, B 525 Sporter Gd1.........
I'm not sure how it works as have never advertised on there. I'm assuming that individuals list the gun model based on their own specific description as opposed to Guntrader setting the list. Just had a quick look and there must be 40 Beretta 694's listed as different versions. Sport, sporting, sporter adjustable, sport adjustable, sport-adjust, sporting adjust, sporter adjust, adj sport, yadda yadda yadda.
I mean come on,,,,,,,,
I'm not sure how it works as have never advertised on there. I'm assuming that individuals list the gun model based on their own specific description as opposed to Guntrader setting the list. Just had a quick look and there must be 40 Beretta 694's listed as different versions. Sport, sporting, sporter adjustable, sport adjustable, sport-adjust, sporting adjust, sporter adjust, adj sport, yadda yadda yadda.
I mean come on,,,,,,,,
Yes it goes on what you write as the model as I have on occasion seen models with spelling mistakes and dependant on what a particular person decides the model is you get a million different descriptions of the same model which is frustrating when you are searching for a particular gun
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It’s too much like hard work to bother with it just now. Fingers crossed they put it back like it was previously, when it worked.
Totally agree way to much hard work 🙄
It's always been tedious to use, but I'm not sure what the solution is for the model variant issue - either you leave it open so people can type in their own description, meaning you end up with dozens of versions of the same gun as mentioned above, OR Gun Trader needs to list every main model of gun and make people choose from that predetermined list, which won't always be applicable to the specific gun..

That being said this update still feels a bit clunky, some filtering options not working correctly and I'm occasionally getting kicked back to the home page when I click on a listing...