Cabinet inspection ?

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Well-known member
May 25, 2024
I’m asking this for a friend. It’s genuinely not me, it’s a shooting buddy.

He got his certificate a few weeks ago. He’s now got a cabinet and getting a gun shortly.

Question: does he have to proactively invite the officer back to inspect the cabinet? Or will/may it happen at their discretion when he notifies them of the purchase/storage?

Thanks in advance, we did look online but couldn’t find a definitive answer.
Surely if he has his certificate, the FEO was satisfied enough to issue it? It seems odd that they would do so without seeing a cabinet installed first though..
Surely if he has his certificate, the FEO was satisfied enough to issue it? It seems odd that they would do so without seeing a cabinet installed first though..
When I first applied the FEO brought the certificates round and asked the see my cabinet. I said I haven't got one yet he said ok just get a cabinet before you buy a gun. Didn't see him again for 5 years.
I was under the impression the cabinet installation and inspection was part of the interview / had to be done before a certificate would be issued...

It's a bit confusing, there seems to be lenience regarding cabinets, based on these anecdotes, but in other areas, forces are introducing stricter measures like interviewing spouses, asking for reasoning for each shotgun on the certificate etc..
I was under the impression the cabinet installation and inspection was part of the interview / had to be done before a certificate would be issued...

It's a bit confusing, there seems to be lenience regarding cabinets, based on these anecdotes, but in other areas, forces are introducing stricter measures like interviewing spouses, asking for reasoning for each shotgun on the certificate etc..
Technically you don't have to have a cabinet at all. Your responsibility is to secure guns against unauthorised access which doesn't necessarily mean theft. However, it has become the practice of all licensing departments to require a cabinet and it's always a good idea to avoid rocking the boat with the firearms officers. As for providing reasons for having shotguns, there's no legal requirement to give a reason but as above, co-operation is always the best policy. If in doubt ask the firearms officer or email the firearms team.
He had his interview and at that point didn’t have the cabinet. There is an option for storage at the club but he said that he would probably store it at home.

When he buys his gun he will get a letter from the club saying a) he’s got it and b) he’s taking it home, which he’ll send in.
I’m asking this for a friend. It’s genuinely not me, it’s a shooting buddy.

He got his certificate a few weeks ago. He’s now got a cabinet and getting a gun shortly.

Question: does he have to proactively invite the officer back to inspect the cabinet? Or will/may it happen at their discretion when he notifies them of the purchase/storage?

Thanks in advance, we did look online but couldn’t find a definitive answer.
I find it odd that he's received the certificate without having the cabinet in place at that time. In my limited experience the FAO wants to check the cabinet is suitable and placed appropriately.
If he's been given the license without having the cabinet at that time, good for him.
I'd say his sensible way forward is simply to send a mail to the licensing authority letting them know of the change.
If the FAO then wants to come check the cabinet, he'll be in touch.
My FEO made a note of the cabinet capacity and suggested that the number of guns registered was monitored against this. Legal requirement or not it seems like a sensible approach to me. If correct then I suspect that your friend will get a call from an unhappy FEO if he registers a gun without first informing the FEO that he has a cabinet.
is a cabinet required in law? Many years ago I kept one chained inside a cupboard.
is a cabinet required in law? Many years ago I kept one chained inside a cupboard.
Technically no, your responsibility is to store them securely. If for example that was at a club you don't need a cabinet at all. You might have a hard time convincing the FEO of that though, I always assumed a cabinet was pretty much a requirement.
He’s decided to do the right thing (in my opinion). He’s mounting it this weekend then letting the FAO know and inviting him round to inspect it if he wants. Thank you for all the comments.
One of my shooting pals, sadly now deceased, wanted a shotgun certificate so that he could go out unaccompanied on his friends farm. His home Force wanted him to install a cabinet, even though he had no plans to buy a gun at that time. He used the cabinet to store his certificate in. 🙄
One of my shooting pals, sadly now deceased, wanted a shotgun certificate so that he could go out unaccompanied on his friends farm. His home Force wanted him to install a cabinet, even though he had no plans to buy a gun at that time. He used the cabinet to store his certificate in. 🙄
One thing I’ve learned over the last few months is that all forces are different. Mine was really quick for the licence (took only a few weeks) and not that demanding. I’ve heard of others that take many months and expect you to jump through hoops. I think it’s a postcode lottery.
I didn't have a cabinet when I had the interview, he just asked where I was going to put it . Certificate came in the post and cabinet was already installed. No need for any more communication unless it's started by the FEO .
When I initially applied for a certificate I did not have a cabinet. I told the officer it seemed pointless buying one before I got a certificate. He agreed and told me my certificate would provisionally granted on the condition I acquired one. I obviously bought and fitted one, he turned up, inspected it than handed over my certificate . Common sense approach I thought.
When I initially applied for a certificate I did not have a cabinet. I told the officer it seemed pointless buying one before I got a certificate. He agreed and told me my certificate would provisionally granted on the condition I acquired one. I obviously bought and fitted one, he turned up, inspected it than handed over my certificate . Common sense approach I thought.
Thing is, I feel that’s his personal opinion taking over there. It would be simpler for all of us if there was a known process that everyone followed.
Thing is, I feel that’s his personal opinion taking over there. It would be simpler for all of us if there was a known process that everyone followed.
Yes, you're right BUT you know how it is with legal issues: the adopted "standard" would be based upon the most stringent and restrictive force in the country. That way, we'd ALL lose.