Hello from Wales!

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Aug 19, 2024

Just recently got into all things shooting (clay, and rifle), and very interested in the engineering side.

Mostly joined as I'm trying to track down a beretta 686 silver pigeon stock to chop down (V. short arms!!! :D ), but I'm sure I'll enjoy the other content.

cheers all
Hi Barry,

Shouldn't be too hard to find a spare 686 stock: When Guntrader was still useable, there were always a ton of Beretta stocks to be found under the "Parts & Equipment" / "Stocks" sections. Haven't been looking of late and the new site is harder to manage, but if you ring a few dealers of repute I'm sure you'll be able to find a stock to serve your purpose. Enjoy!
Hi Barry,

Shouldn't be too hard to find a spare 686 stock: When Guntrader was still useable, there were always a ton of Beretta stocks to be found under the "Parts & Equipment" / "Stocks" sections. Haven't been looking of late and the new site is harder to manage, but if you ring a few dealers of repute I'm sure you'll be able to find a stock to serve your purpose. Enjoy!
Smashing thank you Luke... I'm new to this so never thought of looking there!

atb. Barry
I've given the new site a go and while a bit more clicks then before, I did find 13 Beretta stocks, including some for the 686 series. Not necessarily cheap though, so I'd still go with a few calls out to RFD who have a "bargain bin" or similar: Surely there are 686 stocks out there better suited for a hacksaw than the 250-300 pound options on GT.
I've given the new site a go and while a bit more clicks then before, I did find 13 Beretta stocks, including some for the 686 series. Not necessarily cheap though, so I'd still go with a few calls out to RFD who have a "bargain bin" or similar: Surely there are 686 stocks out there better suited for a hacksaw than the 250-300 pound options on GT.
Smashing thanks Luke... I had a quick look and the search continues!