Hello from Saffer in Germany

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Jun 5, 2020
Hello! Thanks for the approving my membership to the forum. 

I've been shooting clays (Skeet and Trap) on an informal basis for the last couple of years. I've recently quite IPSC because the indoor shooting was not to my linking. I'm keen to give Sporting Clays a solid go, as it ticks all the right boxed for me. 

I'm looking forward to learning from the forum.


Hey, Socrates ! ! !

You are in for it now hahahaha  You can certainly get a lot of advice from this place but be prepared to to be no better off after you get it.  Sorting   thru all the opinions will take more time and energy than just figuring it out for yourself.  Of course the good news is that it is the same for every topic on every forum hahaha

best of Luck


Hi Socrates welcome to the forum enjoy your visits the free advice and the b.a.n.t.e.r.   :hi: as you can see there's plenty of it  :laugh:
