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  1. W

    First 100 skeet

    that's a good slant I hadn't thought of, I haven't met enough other shooters to know what the average joe shooter is like, looking forward to getting back out, perhaps with 1 or 2 of the forum members that have come forward on another post.
  2. W

    Devon Shooters

    hate the ease that you can make spelling & grammatical mistakes typing on the I-phone, I'm not retarded honestly, I realise " moment" doesn't need to be in that line twice.
  3. W

    Devon Shooters

    thanks Robert & Wez, Im flat out at the moment with Devon County Show prep at the moment, but hope to squeeze in a few shots this month, will defo DM you guys when I'm clearer on dates etc.. please feel free to DM me if your at a loose end and need to dust a few:)
  4. W

    First 100 skeet

    I can't imagine how strange it feels with others watching a scrutinising your technique, I admit I was chuffed all day coz of that 24 but the thought of trying it surrounded by people who know what their doing! I look forward to having a few more pops at it before the summers out and I'm sure...
  5. W

    Devon Shooters

    hi there I'm new to shooting and don't have many friends who shoot, I'm based near Exeter and have the wonderful Ashcombe to use at will buy I'm looking for a few like minded people to join shooting now and then? weekends are mostly out ( I'm a chef, and chiefs fan) but week days are in! I can't...
  6. W

    First 100 skeet

    I'm a real novice, started my lessons early this year aimed at shooting in the field, then got the bug for splitting clays, have used the ashcombe facility 5 times as of today, always just walked past the skeet ground, today it was empty so I have myself 3 carts I had left from my sporting...