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  1. Jillywrites

    Hello All, Care To Share?

    Giving the thread a little bump in case anyone missed it last time (or is too shy to tell a tale). There must be some great stories (confessions) out there, now's the time to get them off your chest and into print for others to laugh at or commiserate with - anonymity and confidentiality totally...
  2. Jillywrites

    Hello All, Care To Share?

    No problem with premature ejection I trust. :P Thanks for the welcome. Jill x
  3. Jillywrites

    Hello All, Care To Share?

    Hello folks, so kind of you to reply. Careful Nicola, On The Fly is a bit - saucy, to say the least. I hope to do the same with Bang On! Now what's all this about you and Mick Stone, Elvis ;o) Jill x
  4. Jillywrites

    Hello All, Care To Share?

    Hello everyone, my name is Jillian Brookes-Ward, and I am an author. One of my current works in progress is to be a ribald comedy - Bang On!, set in the world of clay shooting, a sort of accompaniment to my previous publication, an angling romp, On The Fly. The basic story is outlined and now...