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New member
Jan 30, 2012
Hello everyone, my name is Jillian Brookes-Ward, and I am an author. One of my current works in progress is to be a ribald comedy - Bang On!, set in the world of clay shooting, a sort of accompaniment to my previous publication, an angling romp, On The Fly.

The basic story is outlined and now is the time to start putting meat on the bones, so to speak. I still have research to do on the technical side (to aid accuracy) but as the personal touch is always the best, this is where I ask for your help to spice up the story with some real life adventures. Does anyone here care to share anecdotes or disasters (amusing ones), in fact any silly/funny/sexy (the saucier the better) tales to tell from the shooting world that can be rewritten to suit the plot. Fear not, total confidentiality is guaranteed.

You can contact me at [email protected] or at any of the sites in my signature. I would dearly love to hear from you.

Hello folks, so kind of you to reply. Careful Nicola, On The Fly is a bit - saucy, to say the least. I hope to do the same with Bang On!

Now what's all this about you and Mick Stone, Elvis ;o)

Jill x

I have a semi that ejects 9-10' on a good day ..

Welcome to the site and good luck with the project!



Is this like a home for double-entendres? We'll be in Carry on ClayShooting soon...

Welcome aboard - keep it clean people please.

Nicola said:
Cor Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! Not more ejection jokes......... you will be onto 'full chokes' and 'nice bit of wood' next......I can feel that you are all about to miss-behave big style!!!

I'm orrrfff as it is 1 hour 33 mins past Gin!!
Sounds like you've been let down a few times, wanting. :D :D

Giving the thread a little bump in case anyone missed it last time (or is too shy to tell a tale). There must be some great stories (confessions) out there, now's the time to get them off your chest and into print for others to laugh at or commiserate with - anonymity and confidentiality totally guaranteed.

Met the wife at a shooting ground...not that funny really.
