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  1. M

    registered shoots

    Spennymoor is probably your best ground locally. They have regular shoots and some of the best shooters in the North of England.
  2. M

    New Shooter Buzz!

    Don't buy the first gun you get hold of, you'll only see another one you want more :wink: Seriously though do try have a go with a few different guns, even the same make and model of gun can feel different.
  3. M


    Nice shooting. Well done.
  4. M

    Stock adjustment North Yorkshire

    Hi I need a bit of alteration to my stock, it's a little low in the comb and a bit on the short side. At present it's a bit of a heath robinson contraption but I can shoot it fairly well so would like a proper gun fit and alterations made a bit more permanant and pretty :) Can anyone...
  5. M

    Hi From North Yorkshire

    Hello people, I started clay shooting about three years ago and was doing ok until I had a accident at work that resulted in carpal tunnel and a nice little operation. All is good now though so getting back into it.