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thats one of the stands i over led worked it out on the last pair

when are the scores available saw chris childerhouse and micky rouse doing the rounds

Spoke to Kevin for some scores:

Mickey Rouse HG 98

1st AA J Heagren / M O'Dowd / P Batchelor 96

1st A Me! 96


Yes my past 50 shoots were all a ruse; prior to unleashing the full force of today. :)))) my lucky pants and cap will be kept very safe now..

What happens if you shoot a 3 day shoot, lucky pants may be a bit ripe by the final :D

Just goes to show there are sandbaggers in every class!!!

it cost him £110 to bribe the scorers!!

So was it an easy shoot? I wasn't there so you'll have to tell me. Is this what the majority of shooters want and enjoy?

I'm not putting a dampener on it, very well shot Clever, 96 is far better than I've ever done and I guess when you hit 96 it does seem easy. BUT easy targets don't improve your shooting , they may improve your concentration but loads of things can do that. Scores like these will have everyone in AAA is that the way to go? Suppose it would get rid of the sandbaggers if we’re all in one class

I would say it was an easy shoot for me. However, I was only beaten by one person, whereas I would usually be further down the list, so I still did well comparatively.

I am sure some will call it a tricky shoot. It all depends on what your bogey targets are I guess. For me, I was 'lucky' because my bogey targets weren't on the course. I am happy with a 70 yard looper. Some folk hate them..


This is the trouble see, directly someone hits 95+ people think it must have been easy unless it came from GD. Hit all the easy birds people and you WILL be in AA. Like Clever says it all depends on whether or not you come across stands that make you doubt yourself a bit, if you don't they're easy.

In any case I have always maintained making shoots ultra hard isn't going to either teach or entertain the majority, only the semi pro's can live with them. You learn sight pictures by hitting birds not chucking 20p in the air.

Also, re the idea that we can 'all be AAA', that can't happen because that is the top 5% of shooters. The cut off points would be adjusted if everybody hit more.

For me, it will definitely average out. My next two reg shoots are EJC and Newbold. EJC is likely to be tougher as they will derive it from the Classic stands ( adjusted) probably. Then Newbold.. well that's no gift..

So which gives the most satisfaction, shooting 96 ex 100 or hitting 80(Assuming you win the class at both events) hard testing targets and learning what large amounts of lead is required on fast long crossers or very high driven?

For me if I don't push myself and feel that just lack of concentration on easy birds cost me the shoot then I'm not happy, I would much prefer to shot at long crossers or very high driven at test myself to the full than have targets you shoot straight at. But then again I don't shoot reg birds so I'm not chasing an average.

The "straw bale" events I shoot at can be just as testing and you can go round again to try and improve

Thats exactly the reason i go to these shoots, Newbold, Southdown, Weston Wood, Westfield, Churchill, I'd rather challenge myself and improve than not really trying and not improving myself. Still only dropping 4 from 100 is still difficult, even if it is just the focus aspect, its far to east to think there hitable and miss one or two.

It's almost always the hittable targets that cost you the dough :wink: . Personally I like to see the best or those like me who are really on it, be able to hit 95+. Much harder than this and the only way to achieve it is to rob people of targets by distance and narrow windows.

The point is to make Ed or Chris struggle to hit 90 means the rest won't learn much anyway. The easiest thing in the world is to set up challenging targets :???: , meaning near unstraightable. On my last stand at Churchill today I missed 2x8, one 15 yards away the other 20.

How wide is your pattern at 15yards? - You wouldn't shoot live quarry at that range, if you hit it there wouldn't be any thing let to eat !


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