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  1. bondie

    Saying Hi to all the local SW clay shooters! an the ones down here on holidays

    Many thanks nice to find a forum were shooters are shooters at heart :)
  2. bondie

    Saying Hi to all the local SW clay shooters! an the ones down here on holidays

    Hello Robert Will look forward to meeting you,,we are open 7 days a week via pre booking apart from the last sunday of each mth when we hold a 100 bird open shoot (but we do try an shoot mornings only) Nigel
  3. bondie

    Saying Hi to all the local SW clay shooters! an the ones down here on holidays

    In my eyes we have to work with everybody as an individual!!!! an work on the good bits an try too lose the bad bits :)
  4. bondie

    Saying Hi to all the local SW clay shooters! an the ones down here on holidays

    Yea know what you mean these days my main work is couching from novice to expert :)
  5. bondie

    Saying Hi to all the local SW clay shooters! an the ones down here on holidays

    I am a trap shooter also ABT UT(I have a second barrel addiction .) DTL was were i started but ended up opening a sporting shoot only cause the ground is spot on for English sporting 15 acres of woods
  6. bondie

    Saying Hi to all the local SW clay shooters! an the ones down here on holidays

    Hi Les i am on the north Devon/Cornwall border we shoot English sporting have about 30 different stands and i am also setting up a DTL
  7. bondie

    Saying Hi to all the local SW clay shooters! an the ones down here on holidays

    Finding my feet around this site!! from what i have seen so Far Very Good :)