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  1. Wil

    Gun Cleaning

    Hi Redders, I also use gearbox oil (as Bob above) to protect the barrels (inside and out) after cleaning. I find the rods and brushes work well and occasionally use a small amount of WD40 or Napier cleaner (if you use WD40 remember to completely remove it and protect the surface with something...
  2. Wil

    Hi from sunny Cumbria

    Hi Phil, I'm out on the West coast, close to Egremont.
  3. Wil

    Hi from sunny Cumbria

    Hi All, Newbie to the forum, been shooting clays for three years now. I found the forum when hunting for information on how to remove the ejectors from my Beretta 692 (Thanks Iggy!!  :biggrin: ) Wil
  4. Wil

    692/SV10 ejectors

    Hi P1Fanatic, I also tried the ejectors on the 'extract' setting, but quickly switched back to eject for the same reason. I agree that the extractors don't really remove the cartridges far enough and leave them fiddly to remove, especially with gloves on. Since my local club have a sporting...
  5. Wil

    692/SV10 ejectors

    I managed to remove, clean and re-lube the ejectors this afternoon. A little encouragement with the end of a wooden dowel was all that was required after the selector screw was removed. Many thanks for the instructions Iggy, I don't think I'd have risked the 'encouragement' without having seen...
  6. Wil

    692/SV10 ejectors

    I've got about 300 XLRs left (24g No 8s), then I'll be onto the Evos. : )
  7. Wil

    Laser practise systems, are they any good?

    Hi, I took up clay shooting 3 years ago and after a lot of thought, invested in the Dryfire system with the dual head set up. I have to agree that it definitely isn't a replacement for the real thing. However, I've found it very useful in allowing me to practice and build up my consistency. I...
  8. Wil

    692/SV10 ejectors

    Hi Iggy, Many thanks, I'm on leave this week, so I'll take the 692 to the shed and have a go at the ejectors (wife permitting!). I'm keen to get them out and cleaned as there's a small amount of what appears to be a thin lubricating oil coming from inside the dovetails. I use Ramanol Advanced...
  9. Wil

    692/SV10 ejectors

    Hi All, A newbie to the forum and relatively new to clay shooting (just coming to the end of my third season). Me and my daughter have really enjoyed it so far and met a lot very nice people in our local area (Cumbria). I wanted to share some of my experience with my beloved 692. I too had...