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  1. Richard59

    Shoot difficulty. And the elephant in the room.

    Jasper, some well made observations there, own thoughts being ESP has too many variables and one can’t really gauge one shoot against another, they are all stand alone events whereas the trap & skeet fellows all have guidelines / restrictions on targets which one can pretty accurately...
  2. Richard59

    The future is,

    Hardly a week goes by without me receiving some SM about “the future of shooting” and its main theme is to invest ( spend heavily) on the youth of today. Can’t say I feel that’s where the long term viability of all shooting is, in my view it’s economics, this is an expensive hobby and it’s...
  3. Richard59

    Shot size and weight

    Most have a box of 6.5s for the “wow” target would imagine 90% plus use 8s or  above regulary
  4. Richard59

    Newcomers to our sport.

    Chap, as both a referee and shot I’m always amazed at how many coaches / competitors don’t / won’t either know / adhere to the rules in order to gain a perceived advantage, and believe me it’s got rapidly worse theses last 4/5 years, clay bashing is a very very pleasant social pastime...
  5. Richard59

    Newcomers to our sport.

    Clay bashing can be a most enjoyable and sociable of occasions, like many I’ve had plenty such events with chums old and new, however competition shooting ( or indeed competition sports of any type) are wholly different beasts and some (plenty) competitors can be a bit, er, keen, anxious, over...
  6. Richard59

    Cartridge price increases now getting silly

    Quite possibly, though would have thought the cost of shifting such a weighty product across the Atlantic would dent a fair size hole in any margin?
  7. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Another that shot Barbury, we went out at 1 and blowy it was, out of the squad there was one AAA and four AAs and all thought it was both a toughie and sadly weather affected, all had a difficult stand or two, (most in my case) now Im not alluding that I would have ripped it up if it was not for...
  8. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    I understand the reluctance to query a call, it is though a competition so do raise questions on oddities, you are perfectly entitled to do so
  9. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    You are correct- Rule 26.3 effective 1st March
  10. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Have only shot this the once, Westfield and it was a four trap per stand set up, yes mind boggling for I, it was though most enjoyable, ran smoothly / quickly and despite my brain fades can see why, with the variety of targets it’s getting popular. Agree that some tweaks to the “number of traps”...
  11. Richard59

    White Pheasant

    Between Chipping Norton & Deddington, and what a fine looking fellow he was too, with luck he will bring joy to more tired old codgers 
  12. Richard59

    Mendip Shooting Ground

    Was a few years ago and only the once but yes been to said place, from memory a gun shop on site and a separate clubhouse that served a very good tea and comprehensive menu, ample parking and very well looked after ground, it’s a bit of a trek for I hence just the once 
  13. Richard59

    Try before you buy

    Barbury & Coleys ( alphabetical order ) have demonstrators of both, lots of grounds have, as for best to go to depends where in country you are really. 
  14. Richard59


    Am currently using a MK38 Trap ( multichoked ) had it for years ( 5 of which in cabinet whilst a MX2000S had my undivided attention) only ever shot 25DTL & 25ABT in one all round comp, never felt disadvantaged in sporting with it, yes she looks dull  / bland & overshadowed by most brands...
  15. Richard59

    Fiocchi cartridges

    Bought 1000 Fiocchi this am, mix of fibre & plaswads as ground has fibre only policy for practice, found myself only shooting a pair of anything I immediately found “steady” whereas anything a bit of a challenge was more intense, perversely these price increases may make me more circumspect...
  16. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Having a day or two for reflection and far more chin wags about the day your bit about experience just about nails it, the new lad is young, hard working and very keen and am sure he will learn each and every day, lord knows the place has had old hands previously who also got it slightly ( and...
  17. Richard59

    Teague Services

    Now I know you all know that Teague knock out some impressive chokes, me I have an old MK38 which a choke had well and truly “stuck”  how long you ask, er over 6 possibly 7 years and yes I and a smith had tried numerous methods to shift it, and she wasn’t coming out. Wednesday by chance bumped...
  18. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    That very point has been / was / is being raised, whilst not wishing to take anything away from those who are good enough to bang in these big scores grounds are different business models these days. Coleys, well Chatcome as it was started in the 80s out of a portakabin, now undergoing a major...
  19. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Majority most probably yes, they had 151 entries for a mid week shoot in winter, absolutely staggering numbers, not long ago 50 was seen as good, and most of those 151 will return. Will add there’s a bit on FB about this and other high scoring shoots which has seen polar responses. 
  20. Richard59

    Sporting shoots 2023. How was it?

    Coleys today, was supposed to be on at 2ish, overnight changes meant work gets in the way so not wanting to lose the entry fee raced up for a 9am start, still putting on leggings (was nasty drizzle at time which did stick around) mucking about with boots / finding cartridges as about to enter...