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  1. K

    Cartridges in Bristol

    Hi - anyone know of anywhere in Bristol or close by that has a decent stock of cartridges?  I know Braces have some, but I wasn't wild about that place and would like to know if there are any other options. I'd probably be looking for 1000 Hull Comp X 28g 7.5 - I can find them for £165-170 per...
  2. K

    Blaser F3 issues

    Can anyone in the know please let me know of any potential issues that should be looked out for when considering used F3s please? For example, in terms of age, is there a cut off after which the guns are free from any reported issues?  For any made before that date, it would be useful to know...
  3. K

    Perazzi mxs

    I've read a few reviews and thoughts, and it does sound like people really like it and find it to be less 'compromised' than they thought they might.  Still, it seems quite expensive - probably overkill for a first gun, and I don't really want to spend that much at the moment!  Maybe in a couple...
  4. K

    Perazzi mxs

    Interesting, thanks folks.  The car analogy is a good way of looking at it - makes sense.  My lessons so far have been with a relatively modest Beretta, but I seem to get on fine with it.  I was therefore looking mainly at those, and liked the look of the 692 - I'd probably not want to spend...
  5. K

    Perazzi mxs

    As someone looking to buy my first gun, can anyone let me know if the guts of this gun are any different, to some significant degree, than the more expensive models from the same brand?  Is the way the gun is set up or the internals compromised in some way compared to others to make it cheaper...
  6. K


    Hi folks - just joined, and currently waiting for my SGC to come through.  Had the FAO visit a few weeks back and apparently it'll be another 6 or so after that  :fie: Chance to get some lessons in!