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  1. Bede

    Gun reviews on youtube

    Just watched that.  It's the same as mine, although mine's 32". I have the slimmer forend too. Love it to bits - use it for sporting.  Can't say that I have too much bother with cleaning though - that said I'm pretty meticulous, being an engineer. I enjoy your youtube vids.  Not read this...
  2. Bede


    No problem.  If you decide on one but they don’t have it in they can get you one in. They sourced mine for me once I’d told them what I wanted. 
  3. Bede


    I think people buy Berettas because they're the go-to brand that everybody knows.  I like Berettas, they just don't suit me. Caesar Guerini make very good guns and probably have the best customer service of any brand, from what I gather.  I love my gun. I'm 6'1 and 15 stone.  I'm quite gangly...
  4. Bede


    I started out shooting a Miroku MK38.  After 2-3 lessons John started to insist I shoot with a 32" gun due to my speed and style of swing.  I continued to shoot either an MK38 or a 3800 for a couple of lessons then I tried the Fabarm Axis.  I quite liked that but it was £1800 new and I didn't...
  5. Bede


    I had one hour lessons, or a shade more if he'd got nobody booked in after me.  Shame about your experience with Scott - I've not had a lesson with Scott but John has said I'd benefit from Scott once I'm up to a decent level.  I've thoroughly enjoyed my lessons with John, we have a laugh along...
  6. Bede


    Hello. I have had around 13 lessons from John Barnett and can't fault his tuition.  He's taken me from a total novice to potentially knocking on the door of an A class shooter in a very short space of time. (I'll know more of where I stand class-wise once I start shooting at registered shoots. ...
  7. Bede


    Been having lessons at Mickley Hall but also shoot the the Waggon & Horses at Eaton - Mongleton way, on the first Sunday of the month.  Will hopefully be joining Wild Boar and Audley Gun Club this month plus joining CPSA and getting on the registered circuits. Been for a look around...
  8. Bede


    I gathered that! Wheer at? I’m in Bradder. 
  9. Bede

    PigeonWatch forums

    I quite like Pigeon Watch but it does seem very stiff upper lip and humourless sometimes by a few of the regulars. Good for info though.  This gaff seems much less formal and stiff. I reckon I’ll prefer it here. 
  10. Bede


    Cheers folks.  Many other Stoke folk about on here?
  11. Bede


    New member from Stoke on Trent.  Started shooting around July after enjoying a little session on a Stag do. Recently got my own gun and just about to start getting around the grounds. 