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  1. k80ben

    LH Eye Dominance

    A lot of the aids work very very well, shooter dependent. There is no leading person on this just people with experience I have euro and world champion using my device (I’m not saying it will work for you) But seek the advice of a professional modern day coach not some internet wannabe...
  2. k80ben

    Noob Again - Lead

    It’s good fun for me as it is for you. I’ll entertain him and if I get 5 mins I’ll reply
  3. k80ben

    Noob Again - Lead

    Amen the guys a clown and preaches lies and fairytales
  4. k80ben

    Tightest patterning fibre cartridge

    Agree mate but they don’t show you the energy drop that’s fine by much more advanced testing
  5. k80ben

    Tightest patterning fibre cartridge

    1, they are not the same diameter 2, one is soft and changes shape with ease 3, over time one gets worse
  6. k80ben

    Tightest patterning fibre cartridge

    100% correct
  7. k80ben

    Tightest patterning fibre cartridge

    Disagree entirely Now if u miss more than u hit your score could well stay close.
  8. k80ben

    Tightest patterning fibre cartridge

    Lol I understand then to high level and I get to see the computer data on the down range energy Some are up to 33% different Ps plastic and fibre don’t come out at same speed or energy
  9. k80ben

    mk 11

    Have a couple students using them. Depends on body type and methods u apply. No such thing as a fast handling gun - gun can only move as fast as I turn
  10. k80ben

    Tightest patterning fibre cartridge

    Unfortunately you’re mistaken here. The wad has huge impact on down range energy when energy is lost at the barrel. Is short terms fibre were shit years ago and still are now. Hence the reason the top shots don’t use them
  11. k80ben

    Tightest patterning fibre cartridge

    The difference between fibre and plastic is huge Performance, consistency and down range energy. In a box of 25 fibre it’s like a mix n match. And back bored it gets worse Gamebore bridged this gap with the quad seal
  12. k80ben

    Shotgun Cabinet Information

    In my area 9/10 times this wood fail. The plaster board is a complete no and the wooden floor the same. You have gone against what’s advised and looked for validation. Hope your the 1 that gets through
  13. k80ben

    Left Handed over and under?

    Remember there isn’t a left handed gun per say, there is cast on and cast off What fits may not be aligned to standard I’m right handed and shoot a fully “left” casted gun.
  14. k80ben

    Noob Again - Lead

    Same guy that came second in a interview credited his placing to lessons from Gebben Miles
  15. k80ben

    Balance - preferences

    Definitely a right and wrong per discipline. And one of the biggest problems with gun fit and balance is I “prefer” or it’s “comfy” non of these come into play
  16. k80ben

    Adjustable Comb: Feels like home??

    What discipline do u shoot
  17. k80ben

    Introduction and gun fit question

    He’s good fun mate. What he knows about shooting you could write on a postage stamp and not touch the queens face
  18. k80ben

    Introduction and gun fit question

    This is a man after a lesson with peter lol, my god you get worse
  19. k80ben

    Introduction and gun fit question

    Thank u sir. There are good coaches and there are also bad ones. I wouldn’t normally call them until they really start peddling nonsense and requiring money (and there of low quality)
  20. k80ben

    Introduction and gun fit question

    That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard.. u couldn’t drive a coach let alone teach someone to be one If someone comes to u hitting 20/100 u turn that into 40 that’s doesn’t mean you improved them it means natural progression took place so the money back guarantee is bull s**t like the rest of the...