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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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    Schrodinger's Cat

    This is one of ours when we moved - the rug had been down about 2 minutes...
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    Back to earth with a bump

    Don't be daft, it's fun!!! :-)
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    Back to earth with a bump

    Helice is the answer!!
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    Back to earth with a bump

    ^_^ yeah, yeah... Wine affecting nuance, you can win sporting more frequently with, for example, a mid nineties score, all I've ever heard is that you can't win at trap if you miss one or two clays...
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    Back to earth with a bump

    I was close to changing gun, but the one that I was going to change was a gift, so it would have been wrong. I've done recurve to 90m and 100m, as well as compound to that range, both with and without sights. Per my point above, for me it was a totally different exercise, a centred bullseye is...
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    Back to earth with a bump

    Westley, I think I sort of agree with you. I've yet to try the tougher trap disciplines (abt, ut, ot) but I've watched them, and I get the impression that one can walk onto a trap layout and hit a few clays, dare I say with ease, or at least without the benefit of fully understanding what...
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    Back to earth with a bump

    Sorry to drag this thread back from the depths, but I figured an update was due. Since that miserable Thursday I've had time to shoot a few times: Two weeks ago I trotted down to A1 sporting layout, full of the joys of autumn and serious jetlag (which I'm using as the excuse 'cos I don't...
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    Helice Have-a-go Day at Rugby 06-12-14

    Thanks for arranging it, and I had hoped to go, but I just heard I'll be overseas with work that weekend. Hope you all have a great time.
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    International para clay target GP (olympic trap)

    Excellent stuff.  At the risk of sounding trite, I think this is such a wonderful initiative. Makes me realise that I really can't shoot for sheeeeit, but that is another story altogether.
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    Retro porsche

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    Retro porsche

    I learned to drive (in '95) in a 1976 BMW 3.0 csl; lovely car. Dad said it was mine when I passed my test, but apparently moving to Scotland voided the deal on the basis that it was left hand drive, and he sold it.
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    Retro porsche

    Probably requires the car to be going more than 30mph...
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    Retro porsche

    Cheaper for a reason... The Porsche's known as "a James Dean" car round this way...
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    Retro porsche

    Why so sure it was new? You get some amazing restorations these days, so it might have been an original... There is/was a garage somewhere near Tower Bridge that specialised in them. Mrs BTC has lusted after one for ages; currently making do with a Fiat500...
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    CPSA bashing! IT has to stop! Positive comments only please

    Judging from what I've seen here? Annoy people...
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    London(ish) Shooting Ground for 'Have a Go' Recommendation

    A1's not bad either, and might be nearer.
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    Helice,, zz,

    DogTyred - I'd be up for a trip to Rugby if I'm around. Do you want to make this the "official" ShootClay Hélice day, or are you (and others here) open to the idea of a second day at A1 next spring? I'm happy to try to set up the A1 day if there are takers. RP
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    Non Shooters Attitudes

    Guys, gals, like so much in life, it's all about context. I play a lot less golf now than I used to, and I don't own anything made by Pringle, or belong to a golf club. My introductuon to clay shooting was made as follows: "Richard, you've got to try this. Rather than walk through a field and...
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    Non Shooters Attitudes

    I doubt the vetting part is anywhere near a non gun-person's consideration when the word gun has clicked in that mixture of fear, concern, confusion and misunderstanding when the word gun or shooting came up. If you think that's bad, try letting someone know you tend to have a small penknife on...
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    Helice,, zz,

    SC Helice National Championship over two rounds, a la champions league? If people can travel down to A1 from around Rugby and places north, the least we southerners can do is travel up there for another go. Do we need visas for that part of the world? April 1st works for me, fool or not.