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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Mike L

    20 Gauge for my Wife?

    I bought my missus a 20 bore yildiz which she gets on with very well. mike
  2. Mike L

    Sussex gunsmith recommendation?

    Guys/girls i would like to get a wood stock extension on my s/s, now I can trawl the net but does someone have a gunsmith they can recommend here in Sussex? mike
  3. Mike L

    joker cartridges

    depends where you are in the south?, I know Essex guns do them if that's any help. mike
  4. Mike L

    Pilford cancelled this Saturday

    if anyone was heading to Pilford this Saturday, it's been cancelled due to being waterlogged!!!! mike
  5. Mike L

    Pet Hates!

    were you at Southdown today??!! , had all of these!!!! Their
  6. Mike L

    Haywards Buster Cartridge

    Yep, have used a slab of them at a fibre shoot, found them to be good. mike
  7. Mike L

    PULL! magazine - the future.

    I heard on the grapevine Twitter and Facebook are combining, it's going to be called twatface, and if YouTube joins in , it will be youtwatface ?
  8. Mike L

    Southdown New Years Day

    the track is in pretty good nick, they were out filling holes a week or so ago.
  9. Mike L


    damn, that's part of my training regime!!!!
  10. Mike L


    I have to keep fit for work, and have a medical exam twice a month, so fitness not a problem, however I do find I shoot better with an extra couple of KG's on!! mike
  11. Mike L

    Bargain shells!

    For the lads that were asking about suppliers in Kent , these guys seem to have them at the moment regards mike
  12. Mike L

    Bargain shells!

    great input to the thread....eejit. mike
  13. Mike L

    Bargain shells!

    Still no answer on any in Sussex or Kent then?? mike
  14. Mike L

    eu regulations

    Do you mean this one? regards mike
  15. Mike L

    Bargain shells!

    Anywhere in Sussex?
  16. Mike L

    More 'ammunition' against lead..

    Well said salopian. mike
  17. Mike L

    If you had a budget of up to £10,000...

    Are the flights in johns own plane?, cause with those prices!!.........................?? mike
  18. Mike L

    Reg Sporting in the Southeast ( or lack thereof )

    If you want to go badly enough the travel time is not wasted!!!! just make yourself a flask of " suck it up Mary" and get to it.? mike
  19. Mike L

    ips does beating

    Sounds like it was a good day and your pooch did you proud!!, hope you get another invite. regards mike
  20. Mike L

    Decorating - moving the gun safe

    I suggest the latter. regards mike