20 Gauge for my Wife?

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Jan 8, 2016

A 20 gauge for my wife - not a bad swap... (Thought I'd get that in before anybody else does!)

My wife now has her shotgun certificate, and is also looking to acquire her first gun. Can anybody please suggest which are the better guns out there that she should be looking at?

Many thanks.



I was aware of the thread you have kindly referenced, and your own views on 12 gauge vs. 20 gauge.

I'd still be appreciative of any comments from forum members re: 20 gauge guns.

Well all I can say is that the 20's I've tried all kicked like mules. I put it down to a lack of weight as 20's tend to be lighter than most 12's. If she really must have a 20, then stick with Beretta, Miroku/Browning for obvious reasons. Try before you buy too!

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I used to be a firm believer of everything I read about women and you must get them a 12b.  All the arguments make perfect sense, the recoil,  the weight improves swing, cartridges are cheaper etc, etc, etc,  but..... I have struggled with my good lady and various 12b's over the years and finally gave in and bought her a beretta silver pigeon 20.  

OMG what a difference.  Her shooting has completely transformed.  She has only had it a couple of months and she is now catching me up fast (doesn't take a lot).  In fact she will often beat me on some stands. 

She says the recoil is hardly noticeable with 24g cartridges and finds it less recoil than a 682 gold e with 28g. (same stock dimensions). 

She has used it on driven days with 28g rc sipe without a problem as well. 

She absolutely loves it and it has gone from me asking her if she would like to come with me to the clay ground to her wanting to go at every opportunity we get.  

I know not everyone is the same and some will suit a 12b but I wish I had bought her one years ago.  As for the beretta silver pigeon 20 , it is a wonderful little gun.  Comes to the shoulder beautifully and with 30" barrels swings nicely as well.  

I took it to high lodge for a play and shot as good with it as my 12b. 

Im built like a bull but a 20 bore ou kicks the hell out of  me,i got my 10 year old a 20bore auto and there is very little recoil and its light to swing.For a ladie wanting the waight of a 20bore without the kick the best option may be a 12bore  auto.

Go to a gun dealer that will let her try different guns and see for herself what feels best.

Good post Paul.

I think that anyone new to shooting or someone trying to advise their partner such as Andy would be well advised to have at least one lesson and advice from a professional shooting instructor with a variety of different guns at their disposal. I do mean an experienced professional shooting instructor that knows a thing or two about gunfit , comfort, recoil , weight and balance. NOT your local weekend warrior.

A correctly fitted 20 bore with suitable ammunition can be a joy to shoot .

A correctly fitted 12 bore with suitable ammunition will be allround considerably cheaper both the gun and the cartridges.

Semi-autos whilst being good in the felt recoil stakes tend to be rather long and may be difficult for a lady of small stature to cope with.

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My good lady is 4'10 at best. 12 bore Mk70 with 28g carts.  12 1/2" stock.  No problems. Also older Mk70 with invecter not in vector+ barrels.  She actually prefers the weight up front.



I don't doubt Nickos post about the 20b, in this example. However, it's a bit like somebody saying that a 32" barrel is better than a 30". The whole gun tested was different, not just the barrel, so for sure a well fitted 20b will be better than a less well fitted 12b. You just don't see a successful lady shooter with a 20b in competition. 


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