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Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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  1. Mike L

    Whats Your Favorite Cartridge to Use and Why?

    Yes will, I seemed to dust a few more than usual with them, so was very pleased.
  2. Mike L

    Whats Your Favorite Cartridge to Use and Why?

    I have been shooting lyevale power blues for a while, but tried some fiocchi blues on Wednesday, thought they were excellent!!! 
  3. Mike L

    Choke and sh*t string.

    I took 11 pheasant and two partridge yesterday, all with 30gr 6's through 3/4-1/2 fixed chokes. furthest was 45 yards closest around 30. regards mike
  4. Mike L

    Not very busy in here?

    Heading out tomorrow for my first shoot of the season, weather looks good, birds seem to be flying well, can't wait. mike
  5. Mike L

    Winter Over Coat Windproof Waterproof

    I have a thin browning jacket from uttings, doesn't interfere with mounting, and is waterproof as tested at pilford shoot today as it was chucking it down, still, no waiting around between traps!!!! mike
  6. Mike L

    Over 10% no birds today!

    Sounds good!!!!!
  7. Mike L

    Over 10% no birds today!

    So took the missus shooting today at Southdown, shot 200 clays and had 22 breakages/no birds!!!, usually doesn't annoy me as much but today it really pissed me off!!, I had a word with the guys in charge and it seems it's the new type of clay they have bought in?, they are not happy either...
  8. Mike L

    No bird. How many is too many?

    Was there yesterday with my missus and FIL, traps were still crappy.?
  9. Mike L

    Duck flight

    Good mornings work!, get that orange sauce on the go. mike
  10. Mike L


    You just keep an eye out for the enemy. ??
  11. Mike L


    you are Walter Mitty and I claim my £5.
  12. Mike L

    Not very busy in here?

    Sounds a good day, thanks for the feedback  mike 
  13. Mike L

    Not very busy in here?

    So here I am stuck offshore in the gulf of Thailand, thought I would pop in here and read about all you lucky buggers back home out on game shoots , and............ Nada, zip nothing at all!!!. anyone got some shoots booked or anything planned?! ? mike
  14. Mike L

    Opinions on Platinum Trap please

    Klingon or federation? ??
  15. Mike L

    Sporting shoots. Where - and how did it go?

    Shot at pilford today, what sh*tty weather!!!!!, didn't do too bad, a 3rd and a 2nd in our group of 8.
  16. Mike L

    All round

    Congratulations on the win, I took the FIL to Southdown on Thursday, was quite busy for a week day!!!!
  17. Mike L

    Recent Purchase Picture Thread!

    Added this one to the cupboard today, had the idea I NEEDED a sxs for game shooting ?
  18. Mike L

    South West Shooting

    only golden triangle I know is North thailand, but you go for the opium, not the clay shooting!!!
  19. Mike L

    Shot Tower

    Very interesting, thanks for posting. best bit is YT is banned here onboard ship, but your links play!!!!!!!! mike
  20. Mike L

    Southdowns/ Shoreham - Thursday

    would you get rebound off them though?!!!